Thursday, February 5, 2009

Walk info

Alright gang, here is the first (and probably not the last) time you will hear about this. The MS Society is holding a walk to raise money to go toward finding a cure for this disease. As you can well imagine, this is something that is very important to Jay and me.

Click on the link to the left - Come walk with us - this will take you to our fancy little page that the MS Society has allowed us to make. You can join our team - MS. Independent and donate right there online (donations can also be mailed to me directly).

Now, I THINK that when you fill out all of the info, it will ask you how much you are going to donate. You can either enter "0" if you plan to ask friends and neighbors to donate or you can enter an amount that you will be donating on a credit card right then. I am probably doing a bad job of expainling, so just give it a try.

If you can donate $1 or many dollars, please do so. We would love for you to walk with us on May 3rd as well. This is so important to us. I want to be cured and I want to make sure that there is a cure for all future patients. We will be trying to set up some sort of "after party" after the walk. But, those details will be forthcoming. Hey, if you donate enough or get friends and neighbors to help you raise enough money, you might even get a fancy, dancy T-shirt!!

And so the morning arrived - always a good way to start the day, huh? I was adament that I would be ready and out the door on time. And guess what?? We did it, we were the second people to arrive at school. I couldn't believe it and even a couple of others commented on our early arrival. Will wonders never cease?

A nice class day. Although, last week, Emma's teacher Ms. Anita told us that the Valentines party planning is something that is left up to the parents. Sooo, being that this was Emma's first "school" party function I was so very excited. I stopped at the dollar store and collected a ton of fun things and looked up some fun ideas online that I could suggest to the other parents for party ideas. Well, in the parents class when the party was brought up, all of the other parents (except for two of my closest friends) opted in favor of not doing a parents portion of the Valentines party. What the hell? They just wanted to seperate into our class and not participate. I was very disappointed because of the fun and the expierence that we would be missing . . .

On to McD's for our luncheon date with our wonderful friends. The to the grocery store, home for story time and naps.

I started to prepare dinner early since Madz had gymnastics tonight. Jay got home and we were putting the finishing touches on dinner when he got a call to come help a guy from work with a job that he was still doing. So the girls and I went to gymnastics. Emma patiently waited for Jay to get back from the job to keep her company while Madeline and I jumped and tumbled around. I am certain that Madz was born without most of her "fear gene". There are certain things that she just doesn't want to perform on at gymnastics, but it isn't out of fear. That is just her being almost 2 and asserting her independence. She will tackle the biggest beam or highest bars without hesitation. It is so cute and fun to have that time with her. So good to give both of the girls a chance to get some excersize!

Tonight was a "shot night". Emma chose my right thigh. There was no comment about the girth of that area, thankfully. The shot went just fine and the girls love to be involed and I am happy that they can be. After the shot, as I was putting Madeline in her jammies I was thinking to myself how normal giving me the shots seemed. Physically I feel great or should I say, normal. And so far, I have not had any side effects. Cross my fingers that continues. I start a higher dosage in about a week.

Emma and Madz got to talk with Grandpa Jim and Grandma Cheryl on the computer this evening. Emma thinks that this is pretty cool. Can you believe that you can talk and see someone on the computer? And to think that is just something that is normal for our kids.

Bedtime for all. Still trying to fight off a full blown cold . . .

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