Saturday, February 7, 2009


As handy as Jay is, he can only do so much when the computers go down. And yes, I did indicate, "computerS" - plural. For some odd reason, last night when I sat down to type a post our laptop would give me nothing beside black screen and a few grinds and groans. So I snuck up to the bedroom where Jay was sawing logs to try and type a little something on the ancient desktop computer and it too forgot what is supposed to happen when you double click n "Internet Explorer". So both computers had simultaniously quit.

But, today I am here and back moving along. Yesterday was a great day. I had so much fun with the girls. You know we do have fun everyday, but at times the fun can be derailed by an independent 3 1/2 year old. However, Friday was not one of those days. One of my favorite things from the day is that now, when I say Madeline's name, like when I am ging to ask her a question or something, she will answer "what?" It is so funny. You can actually talk with her now. She has such a huge vocabulary and it provides lots of laughter throughout the day between the girls.

Last night Grandma Kim and Grandpa Don stopped over for a visit and to deliver Madeline's rocking chair that Grandpa was working on. So now both of the babes have a little rocking chair just their size.

Today, Saturday, Jay had a ton of purging that he wanted to get done in the garage. Because he did not need the help of his little assistants, I decided to take the girls to the book fair.
That was a ton of fun! There were so many people there and they had about 30 different crafts that you could do, free books, characters walking around and puppet shows. All for free! We had so much fun and ran into a bunch of friends and teachers. We were running here and there, chasing down Big Bird then running away when he acknowledged us (actually that was just Madeline, but Em and I had to follow her to keep up).
We met up with daddy for lunch. Jay had worked so hard and was able to clean almost the whole garage out - wish the inside of the house was as clean! After lunch, we played, read books and took a nap. I slept so hard that I did not even wake up when Madz got up. I don't think that I have done that before. Wow! It felt good.
We ate dinner, and took quick baths with the intention of having movie night. But, after the bath Maddie crashed (I think she is fighting of the same cold that I am) and Emma, well, let's just say that we decided that we would try to watch the movie tomorrow instead.
A thought that has gone through my head as some family members are facing the impending death of a loved one. Be thankful for each day you have. Not each day you have with your "things", just for the day and the company you choose to keep. Very cliche, but so true. Sometimes you just have to be thankful for another day when that is all you can hope for.

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