Tuesday, March 31, 2009


Emma started off the morning saying that she did not want to go to school. Very unusual for her, but I told her that school is a must. So, we packed up and went.

An hour and half later, I got a call to come pick up Emma because she wasn't feeling well. That was confirmed when she threw up all over the backseat of my car. Thank goodness for leather seats. Not sure how the carseat will fair from this, but I am hoping that the car won't smell of puke tomorrow.

After a bath and a fairly big lunch, Emma was back to "normal". No temp and acting like herself.

At naptime I was hoping for some long ones out of the girls because I had a few phone calls and house keeping things to do. However, I only got about 35 minutes out of Emma. Oh shucks, the housekeeping will have to wait.

The girls mellowed on the couch with some Seasme Street before Emma's gymnastics. Sure, I questioned having her go to class. But, she was doing fine, said she was feeling fine, and we had talked all week about this being her last class.

Off we went. She did great and nothing was holding her back. Her coach recommended her going on to the next class. Jay said that since the last couple of weeks he was gone so much and had worked so much overtime he wanted to treat the girls to another session Yeah!

Home for some dinner and two tired little girls for bed. Jay and I are admiring the snow coming ever so softly and sticking to the ground. Oh, who the hell amd I kidding? We are cursing this. . . . Off to dream about warm weather and beaches.

Monday, March 30, 2009


An awesome day!! Got up this morning and went to Madeline's class. She had a ball with Jay there and we love being able to do something as a family.

Then we came home and just spent the rest of the day playing together and enjoying each other. What a great day! After dinner we bundled up and did a little more bike riding and Madeline rode her scooter and came in and did a little "dance party". Daddy played all of his favorite tunes and we danced around the kitchen. We ended the last song by all of us holding on to each other and dancing to a song from our wedding.

Lots of laughing, loving and fun today. We didn't DO anything extra exciting or special per say - just spending the time together and a promise from Jay to the girls that he will be home tomorroow night after work.

Sunday, March 29, 2009

running and relaxing

A synopsis of a - mostly - relaxing day.

Woe up this morning to find Jay in some pain and we decided to take him to urgent care. A quick call to Grandma Kim and Grandpa Don for an impromtu playdate with the girls proved to be a good idea because it took us 45 minutes to see a Dr.

Jay was found to have an infection and we were sent on our way with two perscriptions. Dropped them off, Jay off at home and went to go and get the girls. We visitied with G & G for a while. The girls and I swung into Walreens to pick up Jays meds, only to find that one of the meds had a charge with it because BCBS doesn't pay for it. Ugh, I am sick of the beaurocracy that comes with just trying to feel well. So aske dthe pharmacy to find andother Rx. Off to the store for lunch and back to pick up "free" meds.

Home for some play and nap time. Jay and I, with weary eyes, watched Tiger work his magic on the golf course.

The girls got up and watched Seasme Street, while I tried to organize bills (quite a large job with all o those damn medical bills. Half of them are for things that I dont even remember. And there is this little issue of me meeting my deductible on a day when I had 5 large, expensive tests done so BCBS is giving themselves the benefit of teh doubt when it comes to what they are paying for and what I am paying for).

We made a tasty dinner of crab legs, then went outside to play or a while. Madeline wanted to go for a walk, and Jay and Em stayed home to play outside.

On our way back home we say Emma and Jay along the street. Em was riding her bike!! Like a big girl! Yes, it does have training wheels, but she was pedaling and turning like a big kid. So very cute.

We came in, watched a family show and went to bed. So, so very excited that Jay doesn't have to work tomorrow. He was on call today and even though he didn't have to go anywhere it is still nice to know that we get daddy all to ourselves tomorrow!!

Saturday, March 28, 2009

Lovely Saturday

I slept so well last night. First time in, oh, probably about 2 1/2 weeks. First time Jay has been home for about that long, I had clean sheets, the right sleep number and Emma didn't wake up in the middle of the night. Bliss!

Well, Jay was home, but not really home. He gave me a kiss and was out the door a little before 7:00 this morning. Thankfully we know that he is coming home this afternoon.

The kiddos and I called up Grandpa and Grandpa to see if we could come out to visit them. They said sure and that a couple of the other cousins would be there too. The girls were thrilled to hear this! So we packed up and off we went.

The kids played and played, the adults tried to talk over them. We ate a nice lunch together and celebrated a cousins birthday with some awesome cupcakes. As usual, the sugar put Em over the edge so the level of chaos at G & G greatly increased.

Decided that we should put Grandma and Grandpa out of their misery, so we came back home, did a little playing outside and the girls took a nap. I chose to spend that time with another of my favorites - Tiger Woods. The commentators mentined that he can bench press 450lbs. Unbelieveable!

Jay got home and we finished watching Tiger try to demand a lead- see if he is successful tomorrow. The girls just thrilled to have him home again. Several times today they would look for Jay and Emma would ask if he was coming home tonight.

Grandma Kim and Grandpa Don came over alittle later. They came bearing yummy appetizers, gifts from Mexico and beautiful photos. We ate, looked, laughed and drank.

When they left it was time for bath time and bed time. Bed time for almost everyone but me. Jay is not feeling great. He said that he feels weird. I am hoping that it is just a cold coming on or just being over tired from working so much or just his overwhelming thrill of having such a wonderful wife. . . . keep those comments to yourself some of you!

Friday, March 27, 2009

Back to Normal

Today I was determined to be relaxing and no stress. In school (during Madeline's class there is a parent learning portion and on Thursday's Emma's clss has a parent portion), we have been being reminded of all of the techniques that there are to defuse/learn/grow through situation with your kids. So I figured today was as good a day as any to try some of them that I had not tried or wasn't sure would work.

The girls and I did not leave the house all day. That is so uusual for us. But, I wanted to get the house clean before Jay got home and also, it was just too damn cold to go outside. So we putzed around and finally made it out of our pajamas around 2pm, just in time for naps.

I finished laundry and making the bed - with CLEAN sheets, my favorite. Just as I was finishing making the bed, Jay came home!! Yeah! So awesome to get a nice big hug and to be close. Even after 15 years we still want to spend much of our time together!

The girls got up and groggily acquainted themselves with the fact daddy was home. They were so excited. But, relying on me for everything the past few weeks will be a hard habit to break.

Had a nice dinner together as a family, the girls were wrestling (I was laughing so hard. They were having the best time) then spent the evening playing playdough and coloring. Love having the comfort back in the house and having those that I love home!

Yesterday I had lunch with a friend of mine. She is a mom of some friends from high school. But, we have kept in touchperiodically over the years. My friend was diagnosed with lung cancer seeral years ago. This cancer is non-curable and very few treatments. I took the girls over to her house to visit and catch up. It was difficult to concentrate on talking about life with her because the kids wanted to rip everything off the walls and tables, but we had a long and very thoughtful disussion about life, living life and what the future holds. I told her about my MS. I didn't think twice about it, because she knew where I was coming from. Although the big difference and the difficulty that strikes you like a bolt of lightning is that she is going to die and will probably do so sooner rather then later. I will not and there are possiblities of a cure coming down the pipeline. It seems like someone is watching over me reminding me of the reasons to be thankful.

However, looking around my house this evening, I don't need many reminders.

Thursday, March 26, 2009

Tired, late night

It is late. I just got back from an airport run. Not that I would be asleep right now anyway, but I am tired today!!

As much as I love my kids more then anything in the world, spending 2 1/2 weeks straight with them 24 hours a day 7 days a week is a very long time to be with someone without a break.

I have a bed partner tonight. Tall, blonde, blue eyed, beautiful . . . ok, the suspense is over. It is my sister. She "watched" the kids (the sleeping kids) when I made the trip to the airport. Now, she is too tired to go home.

Good night.

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Snow, Lovely snow

So many things that I was hoping to accomplish before our guests for the day came. But, only got one thing done because of a VERY uncooperative 3 year old. Honest to goodness, some days there is just no way to make her happy or to satisfy her needs!

We got to the store and made it home before our friends got here. We had an awesome time, as always. The kiddos played - including Madeline - and my girlfriend (who I think is part Martha Stewart) brought over a craft and some cookies to decorate. All of the kids were sufficiently busy and having fun!

We made up some lunch and chatted some more. Then, as if they were trying to live up to the expected crabbiness, the kids fell apart. Our friends left and we made an attempt to settle down and take a nap.

Today is the anniversary of the death of my friends wife. A very young woman who died totally unexpectadly. I spent much of nap time tracking down some photos that will be used in a book for my friend. A day that makes you remember how lucky you are for what you have right now.

The girls got up and played for a while, then we heated up left over Hamberger Helper. I am not sure that is something that I have ever done. I mean who "heats up Hamberger Helper". Hopefully not many.

After dinner we played house, did some puzzles and the girls went to bed.

About 1 1/2 das before Jay gets home. It is so quiet around the house and we miss him so very much. The girls always want to give him a call. Madeline is the most funny, and a little sad, about daddy still being gone. She will go to the door and call for him, then come find the phone to call him. So glad that after this week he should be home for quite a while. We have always been a very close little family, enjoying spending all of our time together. Can't wait until we can get back to that!

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Another Day

I am going to have to dig up a photo for this post. I didn't take any today as my batteries were dying out. Just haven't had a chance to replace them yet. (Picked out a random shot from FL. The girls were standing in front of a giant underwater mural.)

Off to school for Emma. Dropped her off and gave a call to my friend that I was supposed to go and visit this morning to meet the new little man in her life. But, she was able to sleep in a bit and was concerned that her house was a mess (please!! She forgot who she was talking to!) and asked that we reschedule.

So Madeline and I packed up and headed home so I could change for a trip to the gym. Got in a very nice long workout, hit all of the major stuff with mild enthusiasum. Back to pick my Em up from school. A dear friend of mine invited us out for lunch and we accepted.

Had a wonderful lunch with thoughtful conversation and play and interaction for the kids. Checked on our sump pump to make sure that it was running and geared up for naps. I have a list of things that I need to do while the girls are sleeping. But, by the time they go to bed, those things seem far less important then a moment of relaxation. Will have to work on that list tomorrow.

The girls woke up and Auntie stopped over. Emma was so excited that she was going to have another spectator this evening.

The girls fought over whose "turn" it was tonight for class. They both love to go there is always conversation between them about it. Madeline inevitably will come downstairs with her leotard and will try pathetically to put it on.

After class we came home for a gourmet meal of Hamberger Helper. Then baths, stories, Emma helped me with a shot in the buns, a long call to daddy, then nighty night.

This morning I swore to myself that I would go to bed early tonight and I really should just pack it in and go to bed . . . But, I am going to sit up for a little bit and enjoy the silence.

Monday, March 23, 2009

Fun with Friends

This morning I awoke to Jay giving me a kiss before he left on another adventure to South Dakota. I got up turned on my morning news show to find out that Matt had a biking accident with a deer so he would not be bringing me my morning updates.

The girls both slept in this morning. Madeline got up around 7:40 and Emma didn't get up until just after 9:00!! Amazing!

We got moving and by the time we got out the door it was about 20 minutes later then what I had hoped which only meant that my workout would be that much shorter. Also, that is generally a pass to eat a little crappier that day since my workout won't count as much. I certainly didn't let down in that area! Oh well, worse things to worry about then a small ass!

Met Super Mary for a short workout and on to Madeline's class. As we left the club I suggested to Emma that she put on her coat and use her umbrella. But, she chose not to, then screamed all the way to Madeline's school that she was wet and needed to chage clothes. So sorry, honey!

School was so much fun. Such a joy for me! A great time to truly experience how old, how big and how smart Madeline is. Then made a stop at Grandma Kim and Grandpa Don's to make sure that the house was still standing and Cooper wasn't dead since I haven't heard from my sister all but once in the past 4 days!! Hummmm. Thankfully all was well and on to home for naps.

I tried to get a few little things done during nap time. Nothing really got done, I think that I really just made more of a mess.

After naps, I put somethings together for a evening date with Super Mary and her lovely little man, as her big man was also out of town. As always, we went there and had a terrific time. The kids played very well and Mary and I talked laughed and made jokes. I just love her so much! A wonderful friend!

I finally dragged my girls out of there pretty late so it was bedtime when we got home. Now, I need to be able to get there myself.

Sunday, March 22, 2009

So much fun, so little time!!

I was gone for a day. Not really gone, but it was a busy weekend of lots of family time and fun therefore, last night I was pretty tired and wouldn't have been very insightful.

Yesterday was lots of outside time. Emma practicing riding her bike and Madeline was runing between the scooter and just running in circles. So much fun to just get the fresh air and to see the joy and laughter on the faces of Jay and the girls. Just wonderful. It doesn't get much better.

We had an unplanned dinner with our neighbors which usually turns into a very late night. And ths one did. But, it was a lot of fun and they just LOVE the girls and having them over as well.

This morning was church. Jay said that it was a very mving service for him. We dined elegantly on McD's, then back home for more outdoor play. Emma has been all hopped up on wanting to play soccer. So we kicked the ball around with the girls and they ran like little maniacs. So funny to watch. And Jay and I were having so much fun. Then we took out the kids golf clubs and taught Madz how to swing the clubs.

After nap we packed up and headed to Grandma Dar and Grandpa Bob's house. The girls LOVE going there. It is so much fun. I would only hope that when I am in my 80's I would be able to be so involved in my great-grandkids lives. I am pretty certain that one day Encycolpedia Britanica will change the deinition of Grandma" & "Grandpa" to include the photo and description of them. They are the epitimomy of that those words mean and I am so happy that the girls are able to have them in their lives.

Grandpa Al and Grandma Nicki were also there which amped up the fun for the girls about 10x. Some adult talk, but lots of fun with the kids. It is awesome to have the girls have so much fun!!

Home just in time for bed. Jay heads off again for South Dakota for the week. Thankfully the next job is close to home.

A really great weekend together! Lots of laughs, lots of hugs, lots to be thankful for!

Friday, March 20, 2009


Short, sweet and too the point. Daddy is home! He made two little girls - and one big girl - very, very happy!

It seems as though South Dakota has great deals on little girls bikes cause Emma got a new one.

Can't wait for the rest of the weekend and hoping Monday comes slowly.

Thursday, March 19, 2009

One more day!

School days are always fun. Since we had't been to Thursday school (the day where I stay with Emma for part of her day) for 2 weeks, we were all excited to go.

We had a lot of fun in the "mommy" portion of class - that isn't totally accurate, that is one dad and one grandma among us. But, fun none the less.

After school, Emma pleaded with me to go to McD's. We haven't been there in a couple of weeks, so we splurged. With it being such a nice day out, I thought that it wouldn't be busy. Perhaps everyone else go that memo as well. The play area was packed. The girls played around a bit, then we went home.

We played American Idol, Emma's favorite and school. Then it was nap time. I tried to snooze, but of course, the ONE day that I do that the phone rings off the hook. So I got up and did some organizing.

Madeline and Emma woke up, took in a little Seasme Street then we were off to gymnastics for Madz. Both of the girls absolutly LOVE ging to their class. They arue with me whose night it is. Since Jay has been out of town so much Emma has been "helping" me out at Madelines class. Actually she has used that as a guise to doing her own tricks and tumbling. Constantly reminding her that this is the "babies class". She does a good job, but it is so hard to keep a good focus on Madeline. She is a maniac and loves to run, so she needs all the supervision she can get.

Stopped at Byerlys on the way home. Picked up a miriad of things to make up dinner for all of us. When we got home I had received a message from my girlfriend letting me know that she had just given birth to a beautiful little boy. I think that we will go and meet him tomorrow! Can't wait!

Us girls all relaxed a bit tonight, then it was bedy-by time for the girls. They were very good today. It will be terrific to have Jay home tomorrow, if it is only for a couple of days. We all miss him so very much and the girls have been so antsy for him to be here. As challenin as it has been several of the days, I have been thankful to have a few days "alone" with the girls - although they get me alone everyday. But, it has been a great way to really reflect on the awesome kids they are. Also, to see how important it is for us to be together as a family. We make up one terrific unit.
Jay has a big surprise for Emma when he gets here. I wonder if Madeline will be left out?? Hope not.

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

In brief

Don't really feel like writing too much today. For no other reason besides it is 10:00pm on the nose and I haven't been to bed before midnight in months. That is my own fault and knowing that if I were to get in bed right now I probably won't be to sleep before midnight, I am ok with that. But, just having the initiative to try feels great.

Here are a couple of highlights, as it were, from my day:

* Going back to last night, I did a shot when we got home. Set everything up, pulled off the little cap that they have that will pulls off the top from the needle and something got screwed up. The top didn't come all of the way off. In my effort to fix it, the syringe was compromised and some of the fluid came out. Wondering what BCBS will think of that to know that one of my syringes of the $3200 per month perscription was wasted??? Let's see 12 syringes divided by $3200. . . ouch.

*This morning when Emma woke up she said "Is today Friday?" Me, "no, it is Wednesday today." Emma, "Oh, I want it to be Friday today then daddy can come home."

*I heard Madeline moving around in her crib at the end of nap time today. I gave her a couple of minutes because yesterday she fell back to sleep. All of a sudden I heard her doorknob shaking. I did a double take and tried to listen. Huh, I must have been dreaming. Nope, I open her door and she runs into my arms, "mommy"!! Uh oh, climbing out of her crib. Emma NEVER did that. And at this age, we had just put Em into her new big girl room downstairs and that was only because we were due to have a new baby. I guess this means that we have to start getting Madz big girl room ready before there is a "falling out of the crib accident".

*Anxiously awaiting to hear about our friends new baby. They found out it is going to be a boy. Hoping that any cold/flu that is lurking (I feel fine, but knowing how this season with sickness has gone) will stay away so that we can go and see this little man! So many boys being born!! So very exciting!!

*Had a fun dinner out tonight with Grandpa Bob and Grandma Dar. We dines in high style - Perkins. Of course Grandpa told me that we should start planning a day to celebrate our birthdays/anniversary. I chuckled silently - my birthday is May 17, our anniversary is May 22, Jays birthday is May 28. Nothing like planning ahead. He did this last year and when I questioned him he said that he needs to plan early in case he isn't around. Death humor, love that!

Good night!

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

St. Patricks Day

Determined to have a less frustrating day with Emma today. Wasn't sure if we were getting of fon the right foot when she woke up at 6:30. But, I went downstairs and she said that she just wanted me to adjust her blankets. Did it and went back to bed.

I hate falling into one of those really deep sleeps and knowing that I will be awoken shortly. I just dozed off a little here and there. Finally hopped out of bed at 7:00 to catch the Today show in Ireland. What a beautiful place! Too bad Matt Lauer wasn't there . . .

Emma didn't wake up again until 8:45. Awesome, except that left us only 15 minutes to get her dressed and breakfast and out the door for school. But we did it. Em said, without hesitation, "I am NOT wearing green today." Ok, whatever. The cute T-shirt will have to wait or another day.

A quick school drop off and on the the gym. I was only there for about 40 minutes as I had no desire to be there any longer. I was so very tired today, so I did the necessary and went to resuce my little babe.

Madz and I stopped at the dollar store for some discount snacks. I also found some Hannah Montana socks for Emma. Thought that might be a nice surprise for her.

Now, let me preface this ridiculous statement that was just made. Ever since we went to Aunt Nancy's house a few weeks ago. Emma leared from her cousin about Hannah Montana and has talked aout her like a best friend since then. Honestly, I still don't think she really has a clue of who she is.

After the grocery store and a quick vacuum out of my car we picked Emma up. We got to the car and I told her about her surprise. She was so excited! I told her that she could put them on when we got home as we were going straight home today. Well, obviously that was the wrong answer. That set her off into a huge tantrum. I could have taken all of the groceries out of the car and found the damn socks, but I just wanted to get home. So, she screamed the whole way home. I calmly told her a couple of times that if she wasn't able to talk nicely to me she would have to wait until tomorrow to get her socks. Needless to say, she still does not have her socks.

We played outside and ate lunch outside. What a wonderful feeling!! Then it was nap time. Still pretty tired, I was going to rest a bit. But, I am getting close to finishing a good book (Jodi Piccoult is a great author) so I just enjoyed the peace and quiet.

The girls watched a bit of Seasme Street when they woke up, then got dressed for Emma's gymnastics where she got a great surprise of Grandma Kim and Grandpa Don coming to watch her. She did a great job and just loves to feel special when people come to watch her.

After gymnastics we went to Grandma Kims and Grandpa Don's house for some yummy Rubens and play time. It was a nice distraction as the girls are really missing daddy (me too). Every time the phone rings , one of them will say "daddy?" or Madeline has gone into our room looking for him. They are also both a little bit more clingy then usual. I suppose, when they don't realize that daddy is working and has to do a little travel to make money, it is a little confusing. But, they talk to him a bunch of times throughout the day.

We are just thankful that we have a daddy that is missing us and wishes that he were here then almost anywhere else!

Monday, March 16, 2009

A beautiful day in the neighborhood

What a wondeful feeling to step out the door this morning without a coat on!

Jay kissed me good-bye this morning. I was a little bummed that I was too tuckered out to say more then "drive safely". I had not slept well all night, then I must have just crashed around the time he was leaving.

The girls and I took our time, indulged in some banana chocolate chip bread and dressed for the gym. By the time we got there, I had only about 20 minutes to do a little Treadmilling. Then on to Madelines class.

After class we went home to enjoy the day. We made a picnic. I guess that I am not sure what really deems it a "picnic". But, we made lunch and ate it on the front step. Then played for quite a while more. Emma in shorts and a T-shirt.

I sat down to get in some good reading. About an hour or so later, I heard a loud crashing and Emma yelling "mommy"!! As I ran down the two flights of stairs I am just wondering what limb is broken or what could have made that noise. After I found out that Emma was ok, just a bit scared, I surmised the situation to find her room a total mess. That happens sometimes when she wakes up and just wants to play in her room. She tears things apart. The crash was her trying to "fix" the shades and blinds in her room. The nightstand that she was standing on crashed on top of her. Good thing she didn't break a leg. I should have known that a situation like that would be the basis for how the evening would be.

Emma and I went out to play until Mad woke up. Which was quite a while later when I had to arouse her from a deep slumber. We played outside for a bit longer then went on a walk. Emma refused to fid in the stroller, so she walked. The first half of the walk was fine. Then whenever we stopped to talk to someone she would hang on me, saying "come on, let's go". Then she was too tired to "run" anymore. . . . So much compalining, so little time. She opted for the long walk, but when we started to turn home she was not satisfied that it was long enough. Explaining that Madeline needed dinner did not sway the screaming. All the neighbors that were outside enjoying the evening got a kick out of it. I am glad someone did.

During the walk I smelled so many wonderful smells of the first grilled meals of the season. Made me sad to think that if Jay was home we most certainly would have pulled out the grill for some burgers and brats. That will have to wait for another time.

Got home and she realized that dinner wasn't such a bad idea. Since I wasn't going to grill out without Jay, we dined on a Lean Cuisine and left over corn dog and chicken strips - I need to go to the grocery store badly.

We played outside for a while longer, then came in for a bath. This set of the second tyraid. To spare you the boring, mundane, ridiculous details, I will suffice it to say that I got her into the bath about 1/2 hour later. The bath finished with Emma saying "daddy shouldn't have to stay in a hotel, he should be home". Something like that. Then saying "I am just a kid, I don't understand" I felt bad for her. It was a big struggle all night so we sat down and had a talk.

She must be going through some growth spurt cause she fell asleep on the couch in the middle of Madelines stories.

It was a difficult day. I was trying to decide of the slight blurring in my eye is MS related or just allerges or something. Then I was signed up to go to see my Dr speak at a restaurant in St. Paul about MS. But, with Jay gone, and no one to watch the kids. I had to cancel. Emma was very challenging today. She has been like that everyday for a couple of weeks. It wears on you and I being to get very frustrated, at myself mostly. Missing Jay on this beautiful day wishing that he was home and the kiddos do to. I think that is part of Emma's unrest. The weather helped to aliviate some of the craziness.

Sunday, March 15, 2009

Warm Sunday

Even though Maddie didn't go to bed until fairly late, she is still able to get up at her usual early time. But, it was nice because we had some time to play alone for a while. Sometimes it is easy to forget how important it is to play with each child by themselves.

Jay, Madz and I got ready for church and left early to go to Grandma Kim and Grandpa Don's to eat a little yummy breakfast and pick up our little Em. To see the "reuniting" that Emma and Madeline has, you would think that they hadn't seen each other for weeks. They were so excited, it was very sweet. After catching up on the fun that Emma had the night before and stuffing our faces, we were off to church.

At some point around the time we went to church I developed a huge headache. There is something unsettling about having a conditin that effects the brain and having a headche. All that goes through your mind is "Does this mean something?" "Is this a normal headache?" And knowing that I was going to have to take some Tylenol later in the night before my shot, I didn't want to take any during the day. So, I just dealt with it.

Because we had such a large breakfast, we skipped McD's optioning to go home and play outside in the beautiful weather. What a great treat to have the day with daddy and we could play outside. We took out skooters, chalk, flew a kite and other riding toys. It was a great time and we did a little picking up around the yard too. And the house even smelled good with all of the windows open. Today, this state was tolerable, even with snow on the ground!

With my headache still pounding away, I was eager for nap time. We all layed down, and I was hoping with all of the fresh air the girls would be down for a while.

Madzie was ok with her usual short nap. And I woke up with the same damn headache. Ugh, I don't think I have ever had a migraine, but this seemed close. I am guessing that it is more sinus related or an upcoming sickness or something. As far as the MS goes, I feel fine. With this junk, you are always holding your breath.

Finally after dinner, couldn't stand the headache anymore and broke down and took a smaller dose of tylenol.

Jay learned today that he is leaving tomorrow morning for a full week out in South Dakota. It is a bummer and the girls and I are going to miss him so much. But, we are lucky that he has a job that just seems to be busier and busier. In this economy we are thankful. Still, counting the minutes until he gets home.

I need to call it a night. Still tired and have lots of little things to do tomorrow. We are so happy that sprig break is over for the district and we will be getting back to all of our classes starting tomrrow.

Saturday, March 14, 2009

A day

The girlies and I awoke this morning and read some books waiting for daddy to get up. The girls greeted him with a very excited "DAAAAAADDDDDYYYYY!" Doesn't get much better then that!

I left a little while later to take advantage of an offer from Grandma Kim to have my eyebrows taken care of. I was in need, so I took her up. Jay and the girls held down the fort at home. Come to find out later that Jay made his first attempt to do pony tails in Emma's hair. Her hair is getting pretty long now so it is getting a little bit more difficult. I don't think that it was very successful.

We went to pick up our windows that came in and then had lunch. Came home to put the girls down for an early nap.

When Emma woke up she eagerly packed up her things to spend then night with Grandma Kim and Grandpa Don. We dropped Emma off and Jay, Madz and I went on to Aunt Nancy's house so that Jay could help out with home improvemets for her. Madeline had an awseome time running around with her cousins. They were crazy! But, so much fun to watch. They roughhoused - as you can see in the photo - played and ran around. We had a nice dinner and Jay finished up his work.

Came home, threw my little bean in the tub and then to bed. When Madzie got out of the tub she brought my cell phone to me and said, "Call Emma". So sweet how she misses her!! She is such an amazing little thing. They both are. We are so lucky to have such awesome kids. They make everything in life ok. Oh sure, they can really irritate us, when you spend 24 hours a day, 7 days a week with someone as they do with me, the limits get tested. But I guess that you can expect that from any little person tring to find out who they are and to negotiate this big world.

Friday, March 13, 2009

daddy's home!!

We got a slow start this morning. The girls seemed to sleep in a bit - Madeline slept in later then Emma and that never happens! So the rest of the morning was spent just tidying up the house a bit since we knew that daddy was going to be home and catching up on some laundry.

We finally made it out the door to the gym. Got in a pretty good workout. Tested out one of my favorite warm weather activities, walking. I rekindled a relationship with the Treadmill and that felt great!

The girls and I ambled home, whipped up some lunch and made our way to naps. Again, Madeline slept great, Emma not so much. I think that both girls are in some sort of growth stage. However, it effects them very differently. It is making Emma crabbier and whinier and Madeline happy as a lark.

Just after naps, two eager little babes got to run out and give daddy big kisses after arriving home from lovely WI. Shortly after that our awesome friends with their new little man arrived. Oh, the excitement!!! We couldn't have been happier to meet this beautiful little guy. But, I am pretty sure that Madeline and Emma were about 5x more excited then we ever could be.

Emma was thrilled to give him a bottle and hold him all by herself. And when Madeline realied a baby was here, she lost it into "baby mode". Both of my girls go bananas when there is a baby around. It is hard to hold them off. I have a bunch of adorable photos of the girls holding and feeding the little one, but in all of my genius I forgot to get an ok to post them. The photo that I have on here is an edited one of Madeline dazing out while Emma is feeding him.

We had a great time getting to know this little guy and introducing him to his new girlfriends, no, bodyguards, no, wrestling partners, no, hmmmm.....we certainly know that they will be friends and cousins in the heart.

Called it a night with our friends and their little bundle confirming that we will do it again very soon. Jay is packing his suitcase for his next trip to lovely South Dakota for the majority of next week. Love the busy car wash season!!

We are all so excited to have a weekend as a family!

Thursday, March 12, 2009

The girls

Jay is still out of town and today was a long day - a little extra whining and a little extra crabbing. Mostly from Emma and probably a little from me. So I am going to try to be a bit less wordy so that I can have some down time before bed. And, I can't keep track if this photo was used before. Sorry if it is a repeat.

I think that this time chane has somewhat worked to my advatage. Both of the girls seem to be sleeping in a bit later since we came home from FL. Such a nice thing!

We got going this moring with a very short stop at the gym and quick run home to met our playdate. Had a grand time with my awesome girlfriend who is about to pop with her third little baby. I can't wait to meet him!! Oh, that will be so much fun. Our girls had fun running around and playing dress up. Madeline tagging after them and trying to keep up.

They left in time for the girls to lay down for a nap. I took advatage of this time to read my book that has been neglected for quite sometime.

The girlies woke up from a nice nap, watched Seasme Street and we were off to gymnastics. I was going to call a girlfriend about getting together this evening, but I got going on some oher tings that by the time I looked at the clock we were already running late. I hate that!!!

After gymnastics we stopped at Byerlys for some food and home to eat. By this time it was already 8pm or so. The girls helped me do a shot in my stomach.

After what seemed like a long process of discussing the need to get to bed at a reasonable hour, and why 9pm is her bedtime, and a phone call to daddy to say goodnight, Emma was FINALLY in bed. I should be there too. But, I think that there is some relaxing that needs to be done.

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

A big ol' mess

No desire to hit the gym today. With all of those Girl Scout cookies looming over me, it seems a bit futile to even go anyway. Jay left early this morning for a 2 day trek around Wisconsin doing important car wash repairs.

We finalized plans for a playdate with some friends and headed out the door. I don't think that it could get much colder then it was. I decided right then and there, that if Jay is to find a job in warmer weather, then I am gone in an instant. What is the purpose to continually say how much you hate it if you will never do anything about it. With that being said, he is not actively looking for a job. He loves the one he has. But, if something were to fall in his lap . . .

Arrived at the playgroup with a couple of my most favorite friends and their kiddos/grandkids. I am so lucky to have such wonderful friends. The older kids were getting along great. Things got very quiet for quite a while. We should have know better.

Upon further investigation, we found the upstairs in total shambles. That is no exaggeration. One photo is just a small part of the bathroom. It doesn't include the two bedrooms, the landing and the rest of the bathroom. It is not that they were just destroying things to make a mess. They were really playing. What they were playing, who knows. But, at this point they had poured 2 FULL bottles of shampoo/baby wash on themselves and in the tub and all over. So we stripped them down and all 5 girls got in the bath. I cannot post some of the cute photos that were taken. But, trust me it was funny. Soap suds were over flowing the tub, the drain spout and all over everyone.

One of the gals took all of the kids downstairs to feed them lunch. My other friend and I took a good half an hour to make a dent in the destruction.

Home for nap and dinner of Jambalaya. The staple meal that is by Emma's request when Jay is out of town. Spent a little bit of time chatting via the computer with a college friend that I haven't had a chance to talk with for a while. Sadly found that she has been encountering some struggles in life and has to make some changes. Did not discuss my life changes purposely. No reason to. But, I will also probably see her this summer at the reunion for my sorority house.

Emma was not interested in eating for some reason. I told her that even if she is not hungry and doesn't want to eat, she needs to sit at the table with the family. She said, "But, we aren't a family. Daddy isn't here."

We hung around and put Maddie to bed. Although Emma was fighting me to put on jammies, she sure didn't have a problem falling asleep.

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

The gimp

Last Saturday, when we were in Florida, we were getting ready to go to a function with Grandpa Jim and Grandma Cheryl. Before we got dressed, I was walking along the beach with Madeline and then came to look at the pool. As we were coming inside Maddie tripped and fell. It wasn't a big fall, she cried just a little.

When we got in she started to scream and favor her left arm. We contimplated going to urgent care. But during my time in the shower, Jay reported that the girls were wrestling and all was well. So we went on with our evening without incident.

Fast forward to today. After the gym we went or a playdate with our favorite little man and Super Mary. As we were putting out of their driveway, Madz wanted me to kiss her finger. I grabbed her finger, gave it a kiss and she started to scream.

We got home and I gave her some Tylenol. Her arm was limp and she cried when I tried to move it at all. Knowing it was nap time and nothing would get done in the Dr's office without a good nap from the kid, she went to bed.

When she woke up, she still wouldn't lift her arm. I went to urgent care.

Of course, after x-rays and exam they found nothing wrong. Sent us on our way with no more then well wishes. I hate that. Not that I wanted her to have something wrong, but it is easier to fix something when you can find what is wrong!

So, gimp or no gimp, that is our question. . . . Jay thinks that she is putting on a show or me. I am not so sure. As the evening went on tonight she seemed a bit better, then she would cry at the movement. She is not a stupid kid, so honestly, I wouldn't put it past her that she is working for some sympathy votes.

We ate a late dinner and I had a shot - unfortunatly, we are not talking about a yummy adult treat. Just a subdermal injection. Jay and I were on different pages about when I was ready for the actual shot to go in and it hurt like hell. Bad timing on all of our parts. Of course, Jay pulled a typical "well, if you are going to complain about how I do it, then I won't do it". He forgets that it is my leg and I saw it was too deep. Whatever, try again on Thursday. Many more options to do over!

Monday, March 9, 2009


We are here - Home! It was a very long day yesterday. Saying our goodyes to grandma and grandpa after lunch we headed toward Orlando where our flight was leaving out of at 9:15pm.

We stumbled upon Downtown Disney and knowing we didn't have much/if any money left after this past week, this was a perfect opportunity to entertain the kids and not spend much money! We strolled around and finally settled on eating at the Disney McDonalds - yep, that is how we do it at Disney! It was a lot of fun and enjoyed some playing with Legos after our meal.

Made a mad rush back to the airport - Jay thinking that we were running way too late and me not at all concerned. I should have taken the time to remember that at the end of a vacation, Jay is usually at the end of his patience rope. Which then draws me to the end of mine. By the time we got on the plane I was not at all enteratined by his constant complaining and swearing. Ugh! Dives me nuts.

Dispite a small bout with crying during th flight, the girls were awesome on the plane. Grandpa Don was waiting with our chariot to drive us home.

Ahhh, home sweet home! Yes, it is in MN, but until we chage that, it is still our home and we were all thankful to be back there. Even if it was at 1am.

After a small amount of sleep for us all we were up to start the day. The girls do not have any school classes this week because it is spring break for the district. So we made a pathetic stop at the gym. It was more for my mental psychie, then for physical restructuring. I am pretty certain that Mr. Eliptical was mocking me as I left. With a run to the grocery store we were home and nestled in for the rest of the day.

It was a mellow evening. Madeline keeping us entertained by running around for a good portion of the night wearing Mr. Potatohead's glasses.

10:05 and I am really ready for bed?!?!

Saturday, March 7, 2009

Sounds of the waves

Here I am on our last evening here in Florida. I am munching on Doritos, typing this, listening to the sounds of the waves all outside, next to the pool in my T-shirt and light pants. Dreading the arrival home.

Don't get me wrong, I love my life in MN. I have the greatest friends and most of my family is there. But. wow, there is so much of me that gets lost in the winter. It is hard to think about all of these people who "winter" in Florida leaving their families behind. any of our friends have relatives who fly back and forth often. But, there is so, so much that they miss while being gone. Once you come down here you can't blame them for being gone for a while. MN is my favorite place for about 3 months out of the year, the rest of the time I could be anywhere else that is warm!

We saw the stallions today. That was very cool. It wasn't a full show, it was one of their practice sessions. They do some incredible things. I will hopefully get a few photos up sometime soon.

We finished out the evening with a stop at Ben and Jerry's for some ice cream and a dip in the pool.

We will pack up tomorrow. I hope to spend the majority of the morning on the beach with the girls taking advantage of our last hours before our day of travel begins. Taking into consideration doing one of my shots at the airport.

I will not be writing tomorrow night but after that we will probably be back to our normal schedule . . .

Friday, March 6, 2009


Do I still have any readers? I know that it has been a long time. But, the shitty internet connection is both unreliable and very frustrating. But, we seem to have found a "secret" place where the connection is stronger then the others.

The weather made a dramatic turn and has ben goergous th past few days. Jay is a little crispy and thanks to some high SPF sunblock the girls and I have avoided it. Although I am really taking advatage of the vitamin D. Oh, the wonders of fresh air on all of us!

Spending lots of time at the beach that is right outside our door and tons of other fun stuff has worn us all out.

Tonight Jay treated me to a "date" night. We went to Tommy Bahama. It was fantastic!! The girls were sleeping - I should say practically dead to the world - when we came back to pick them up. Emma feel asleep in bed when her head hit the pillow with all of her clothes on. Madz had to take some time for some giggles, then off to bed. We are getting up early to go and visit the training grounds for the Lippazainer (sp?) stallions that train not far from here. They are soe amazing horses that I am eager to see. Should be lots of fun.

Here are some photos to document some of the other fun. I hope to write some tomorrow night, then will be done until Monday as Sunday is going to be a big travel day - with some fun thrown in there too.