Monday, February 23, 2009

daddy home

Daddy's home today! Yeah!

The girls got up around 7am. We played and ran around the house as quietly as possible. Jay rolled out of bed around 8:45.

Got going to Madeline's class. Enjoyed a fun time with daddy and Maddie singing songs and playing. I think both of the girls feel pretty special when Jay comes to school with them. Now, if we can only work it out so that he can come to Emma's school sometime.

After school we got some lunch and headed home for play and nap time.

When the girls layed down, I left Jay with them and I headed off to exchange some things at the mall. All by myself!! I am NEVER without the girls. But, I got the things done that I needed to and headed home. Realizing that I was in such a ruh to get home. Two whole hours by myself. I am not so good at that. I need my little buddies!

When I got home the girls were up and ran to see me with hugs big enough to make you think that I was gone for days!

We started the process of getting clothes out and organized with the need to pack looming over our heads. I had to dig into the clothes storage bin of clothes that Emma once wore to find the next size for Madeline. I gently persuaded - forced - Maddie to try on some of the clothes. She is far bigger at this age then Emma was, so many of the clothes didn't fit.

Our fabulous dog sitter dropped over to our house to check things out before next weekend. She is so great!!! We can trust her implictly with the animals and with the house. She is worth every penny. She wanted to stop by to see the dogs and make sure that there wasn't anything else in the house that she needed to be reaquainted with.

We ate dinner, did some more clothes sorting and played games. Madz is going through her "mommy" stage. She is actually pretty ok with me leaving her with people that she knows (i.e. school). But, when she knows that I am home, she has to be right on top of me. Litterally. It can be very endearing, othertimes it can be a little trying when there is a need to have both hands available.

After Madeline went to bed, Emma and daddy got a little crazy with each other. That is where these photos come from.

Jay is trying to FINISH his packing right now. It is hard for me to focus on what I really need to pack when I have 5 days before we leave. What might I still need between now and then? What will I have to unpack or forget that I already packed? Anyway, I am sure the majority of mine will be done in between cleaning the house on Saturday and church on Sunday morning.

Tomorrow night, my last shot of the half dose of drugs. Thursday will be the real deal. Cross your fingers. So far so good . . .

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