Friday, July 31, 2009

Short and sweet will be the title to this post.

Yesterday we were able to spend time with some friends that we haven't been able to see for a while. That was soo much fun! Had a glimpse of having to make my first ER visit when Emma fell from a playing apparatus and bit through her tongue. It was a small cut, and she is terrible about letting me survey the damage. But, when she was up playing 5 minutes later I surmised that it couldn't have been that bad. Uncharectoristically, shortly thereafter, Emma got right back on the same equiptment that almost claimed her tongue the first time....

That night Emma and Madz ate dinner with Jim and Cheryl and Jay and I helped the neighbor put up a tent in his yard for a family wedding this weekend. He offered to help us with some home imporvement in return for our help. Gladly we obliged. What a romantic way to spend alone!

Today, Emma had her last Discovery Playground playdate. Madeline and I ran around trying to get some things done. Went back to pick Emma up and found that she had a wonderful time. She was always very unwilling to let me leave her there, she is like that almost anywhere we go. But, finally on the last day, she found that she really did like going there after all!

The girls went down for a nap. Jay got home, hopped in the shower, a quick kiss to Emma who had just woke up and out the door again. He went off to see a Twins game with his mom, dad and brother. Nope, the rest of the family was not invited.... So the girls and I hung out at home. Auntie came over and we chatted. The girls were kind of crazy, and I think that after having been with them so much I just needed a break. But, bedtime came and I finally got the break I needed. Told Auntie that I felt bad about being testy with the girls, it has just been a long few weeks. Tomorrow is another day - a day in which I have a 7:30am appointment to get my eyebrows waxed. Might not sound like fun, but for someone who doesn't have the opportunity to go out often. 15 minutes of fairly cheap time away is worth it!

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Went to Madeline's last "mommy and me" class for the summer today. Had fun singing and playing. Afterward, I was catching up with Casey (our friend who is on American Idol, as she works at the school that we have class in) and her mom. I had to take a picture of the girls with Casey because last week when we were with her I got a picture of Emma with her and Madz was pissed. So I had to make up for it. And yes, she really is that beautiful. If you watched her on tv she looks great there, but even better in person and she is about as kind and nice as they come.

After school we ran down to the pool for just a little bit. There wasn't anyone else there - I think the threat of rain scared everyone away - so the girls got to go crazy. When we got home we found one of our chrysilids (this is a new word to me, our catapillars turned into chrysillas and apparently they are called chrysilid) came out and was a pretty little butterfly. How amazing. The kids and I watched it roam around it's little specialized butterfly habitat for a bit deciding that when it's other two friends emerge we would let them go at the same time so they could have friends together in our garden.

Typical evening of playing, chatting with neighbors and eating dinner (a pretty bad dinner at that - I tried something new and it only sufficed to fill the holes in our bellies, not to taste like anything good).

So glad that the weekend is coming up. Jay is moving from tired and worn out to crabby. No fun. Would love some time to just sit and enjoy. But, he will be out this Friday then set with stuff to do arund the house until about 2027, it might be a while for some good relaxation.

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

The library had it all today - Eric the juggling magician. Yes, I am old enough to realize that all performers have "real lives". But, when we pulled up, I watched Eric the juggling magician schlep all of this performing items out of his dented, broken down early 90's Ford Taurus. I think that I was hoping that a magical carpet was not out of the question. The whole scene took away the mystiqe of the magician. The show was enjoyed by us all!

The early afternoon was spent activly trying to tell the girls that my cleaning and scrubbing Madeline's "new" room was fun to watch and trying to persuade the phone company that I know what I am talking about. I won one and lost one. Needless to say I am pretty sure that we will change phone companies.

The city is finally going to step in and finish the work on the side of our driveway that was left in disrepair from the contractors, Yipee!! And my Dr's office said that I shouldn't have to get anymore blood taken for a while, great!

Put the finishing touches on the neighborhood gathering that we plan each year. With that out of the way in a week, most of my big "to-do's" should be over and done with. Except for the thank you notes that still sit patiently on the counter and the vast amount of emails that I have yet to get back to . . . . Oh well, just be thankful for what is done and all the other blessings in life!

Monday, July 27, 2009

On Sunday we couldn't make too many plans since Jay was on call. We all got dressed for church and thankfully, without a call, Jay was able to come with. After church we swung by McDonald's then on to Grandma Kim and Grandpa Don's house to pick up Emma and do some playing with some water toys.

Today Jay had the whole day off (I have to say that we have been so busy lately that I would love to have a chance to take a long weekend or a nice trip with just the 4 of us and not have anything planned. But, we haven't won the lottery so we will just have to dream. Plus winter will be here soon enough so we will all be stuck in our house for 8 months together). We went to library story time together, then lunch and them blowing up the new pool that we got since our other blow up pool met a sad fate with the sharp edge of a trailer. We played water games for a while, then nap time.

This evening was T-Ball. A little smoother this time since the kiddos are starting to get to know me and the way things work. It is a good lesson in reminding us that Emma is a normal 4 year old. They all have pretty poor listening skills. Comes with the territory! Emma had Grandma Kim and Grandpa Don, Auntie and Grandpa Jim and Grandma Cheryl all there watching her!

The rest of the evening was out playing and chatting with th neighbors. I believe that I must find a way to get back into my workout routine. I haven't done much if any working out lately. Also have to call my neurologist office to find out results of my lab tests. Need to see if we are going to do any changes to my meds in the future . . .

Saturday, July 25, 2009

Friday, ah, finally Friday! This was the morning that I was to have my meeting with the Director of Community Education on behalf of the parents involved in some of the programs. As expected she mostly tried to cover her ass and tout her "long involvement in various programs" and tried to turn it around into what we wanted to see and what imporvements we wanted to see. The goal was acheived though in that we told her that people weren't happy and she needed to be aware that she could lose some parents.

I rushed home from what I thought would be quick meeting that turned into an hour and a half one, I came to find the girls playing very happily with Barry our neighbor and my savior for the day! The girls had a great time and I know he did to.

The day was crappy - weather wise. So we took this time to do some crafts and hang out enjoying the calmness. I felt such a relief to be with the girls and just a huge load off my shoulders to be done with the meeting. The girls and I did some Shrinky Dinks - yeah, that was great!! I haven't done those since I was a kid and I still get a kick out of watching them shrivel and shrink - and Emma wanted to make dinosaur pictures.

This morning both of the girls packed up to go to the zoo with Grandma Kim and Grandpa Don. With Jay working and both kids gone I wanted to utilize my time to do something enjoyable for myself. I went to the Aeroboretum. A beautiful garden area not far from the house but one I rarely go to. Our church was holding a womens prayer and meditation walk there. I met a group of women, we chatted for a bit then were given some bible verses with questions and thoughts to ponder along the walk in the gardens.

I walked along by myself for two hours. I really didn't want to walk with anyone, just enjoy the time alone. I took lots of pictures and did some praying and "meditating". Quite frankly I have never meditated before so I am not sure that is exactly what I was doing, but it was very enjoyable.

When I got home I felt truly refreshed and ready to get to work. I stated to tackle the office. We are going to be turning it into Madeline's room. We need to clean it, put new flooring down, new windows.... Ugh, I could go on. But, anyway, I started to make a dent. That was great!

Grandma and Grandpa brought Madz home as Emma was going to spend the night at their house. Maddie and I played for a little bit then she layed down for a nap. I went back to work on the office.

The rest of the night was pretty relaxing. Jay got home from work we putzed around the house, Madeline helped me to plant a clematis and we swung in the hammock. I am pretty certain that Madeline asked where Emma was no less then 500 times. As much as they fight, they have such a great love for each other.

I think I am going to go to bed now!

Thursday, July 23, 2009

As I said on Facebook:
"The evening was capped off with me falling down the front stairs with a dollhouse and all related items in my arms - it was done in effort to save my drink. Yes, tonight was a night when it was THAT important to save the drink. My damn ankle really hurts!"

The girls and I had a great day together. After naps things got a little crazy and I was in the midst of trying to prepare for my big meeting tomorrow. My brain will work a little better after tomorrow morning (as good as a little MS brain can get). Thankfully at about 9pm tonight, I got a babysitter to take care of the kiddos. Taking them to the meeting with me sounded like hell on earth. Thankfully I do not have to even attempt. But, I think that Emma will have to miss her playground activity, I feel bad, but . . . .

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Despite the massive zit on my face, all is well in the world (at least in my little world). Have been making small dents in the stuff to get done. Nothing to really cross off the list yet, but we are getting there.

Today Madeline had school, so that meant we packed up early and headed out. It is a really fun time for all of us. My little ham, Madz, just has a great time with the songs and crafts. That is the one place, where I can go to leave her during mommy time, she doesn't throw a fit.

Came home to play and found that our street was torn up again. The genius' at work for the company redoing our roads came by yesterday and ruined all of the curbs that they just put in. So, we are starting at the beginning again....

We played outside a bunch for the rest of the day. The weather was beautiful. Jay got he late as he is trying to finish up a project in WI. At least he was able to come home.

I set up a meeting with a Director at the school district. I have come to find that the people withint he schools and who run them do not like to have people questioning them or asking questions. They get a little prickly. Oh well. So I have an appointment on Friday morning on behalf of the parents in out ECFE program to inquire about some things. I would explain it to you, but too complicated and boring to read about. MUST find childcare for the kids. This is NOT a meeting that would hold the same impact if I had the kids fighting and demanding my attention. Scary thing is that a few people have told me that I should run for school board. Hummm, isn't that all just middle aged white men with kids who aren't even in school anymore?? Yes, that is what ours is. Not sure if that would bode well for me or not.

Monday, July 20, 2009

Holy cow! I have 23 emails in my in box - all that have to be responded to (so if any of you are waiting for a response, my goal tomorrow is to get that cleared up), thank you notes to write for the girls birthday as well as thank yous to write for the MS walk. Yeah, yeah, yeah that was at the beginning of May. But, holy shit, things have gotten busy.

Received an email back from the superintendent of the schools today in response to the letter that we sent to him and others. Clearly they don't think outside the box and are people that are stuck in the office and not in touch with the people. Hopefully we can meet with he and others one on one to clarify some issues.

My brain is just fried today - and that has nothing to do with the lesions! So much to think about and so much to get done. We had T Ball practice tonight. It was far better then last week in some instances, but in others it was even crazier. We have suh a sweet group of kiddos. But, trying to wrangle 10 4 year olds at the same time is a little crazy! The kiddos did well and we dd have some fun!

The girls were a real challenge today. Fighting was top of their list ALL DAY LONG! So that is all I have in me today. I must get to bed!

Sunday, July 19, 2009

It has been a couple of days since I have been on. I have been occupied, I am sure that Jay would say "pre-occupied" with a couple of projects that are in the works. Thankfully one portion of the project will be completed tomorrow. Then we will just have to see who will have any reaction to it....

Jay said that he doesn't think that people really care too much about what I write becuause I haven't been focusing on my MS enough. Well, being that I am the one with the MS, I would have to say that is a good thing. If I don't focus on it a whole bunch, that probably means that things are going ok. This next week, I think, my Dr should be calling with information about my blood tests and if we should be doing any changes to my drugs. It should be interesting to learn what the results are.

This was a nice weekend. Friday night we held the highly regarded schmorgasboard at our house with our friends. The theme was "Hawaiian Luau". So much fun with such great friends. For the most part all of the kiddos entertained themselves with the toys and we actually got in a bit of adult conversation.

Saturday Jay got to get in a round of golf and the girls and I ran some errands. After naps, Madeline got picked up for her sleep over at Grandma Kim and Grandpa Don's. She was very excited. It is a good way for them to be comfortable by themselves and sleeping elsewhere. Although I understand that there wasn't much sleping that was done. Madz isn't used to sleeping in a regular bed without the security of the bars and in a new place. So Grandma Kim became a slumber partner for her.

Emma, Jay and I hung out at home, played outside and made a special run to Dairy Queen. A couple of times we asked Emma if she missed Madeline, "no" was generally her answer. The girls are never apart, and usually ever apart from me. So it was interesting to see how they each were.

On Sunday, my internal alarm clock went off at 7am - as always. I got up and found that Emma was sitting quietly on the couch playing (that is one huge difference in having Emma wake up in the morning vs Madeline). The first thing she asked me was "when do we get to pick up Madeline" We played and cleaned and woke Jay up at 9am, just enough time to get ready for church.

Before naps, Grandma and Grandpa dropped off Madz. Funny how after a few tender moments, they were back to fighting and arguing again. Ahhh, the sweet sound of children! The neighbor brought over a large box that he had cut holes into so that the girls could use it as a playhouse. That was a big hit of the day.

Usually, no matter how tired she is, Madeline will only sleep for 1 1/2 hours for nap. Sure enough, today was no different. But, she had a great time playing with Jay with some airplane toys. I woke Emma up ot long before the OTHER grandma and grandpa came to pick the girls up for dinner. I don't get much time without them, then of course when I do, it comes all in one weekend! Take it when you can get it!

Jay made a terrific pasta dinner and we enjoyed in a quiet house - except for the neighbor putting in hardwood floors and his air compressor constatly regenerating. But, it was nice. Soon after the girls were home. Very obvious that it was time for everyone to go to sleep. We played a little boad game and off to bed! Now, for me too!

Thursday, July 16, 2009

I have a project that I have been so immersed in for the past few days and again it took up most of my day today. It is something that I am so happy to do, but I haven't encountered this before so my course of action is new. A friend of mine was turned down from a job that for so many reasons is one that she should have gotten. Now, I have been given/accepted/wanted to take on corospondence with those that were doing the hiring. So today I submitted my first "Letter to the editor" that I have ever written to four local newspapers and set up my plan of attack for some other things . . . It is taking on the "old boys club" mentality that comes long with school districts sometimes. Love it!

I answered a bunch of questions from a nice lady that stopped to look at the "free" grill that we had put out. She was very kind and her kids were sweet. But, in the back of my head I was thinking "you are asking all of these questions about a free grill. Just take the damn thing!" She did.

The weather was terrible today! It was so cold (mid 60's - to me that is awful) that after nap, I broke my own "rule" of no tv unless it is raining or snowing outside. I let the girls watch Seasme Street instead of playing outside. We tried, but after putting on long pants and sweatshirts and we were still cool, I gave in.

Madz started moving a bit slower and she was feeling warm - Emma had that last week. Let's hope it passes by tomorrow. We have lots of stuff going on.

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Cloudy and rainy today. It derailed our plans to go to Grandpa Al's house for a swim. But, we went there and enjoyed some yummy food, a good walk and a trip to Trader Joe's. My first time! Oh the fun that I could have there. But, we found some good stuff!

Came home in time for naps. But, after naps Emma woke up with a fever and said that she didn't want to go to dance, which is very unlike her. So we decied to skip it and just hung out at home catching up on Seasme Street with the weather still a little cloudy and drizzling.

Auntie Ashley stopped over to have Jay check on her car and have some dinner. The girls just love having her over! We talked and played and she did some drawing with the girls. Ended with a conversation about some past situations and plans on what to have for dinner tomorrow as Jay will have to finish working on her car.

As I finish writing this I look around at all of the projects that I have going on. Some that I am not sure how to approach, some that I haven't even begun working on and others that are just late. I do appreciate that I am asked to take on the responsibility of these projects from some businesses and committees. Just always hoping that I am doing them justice. Especially since I am working with a sub-par brain.... MS humor.

Monday, July 13, 2009

One thing that I forgot to write about yesterday. When we were getting ready to leave for the boat ride, Emma was talking to Madeline about us leaving and that they would be having fun with the sitter. Madz would get a little fussy, but Emma was so sweet in reassuring her "don't worry Maddie, I will never leave you. I am your big sister". It was so cute. I told Emma that was such a nice thing to say and she told me "mom, I was just talking to Madeline. Not to anyone else".

Today we had a playdate with a gal that I had never met in person but had traded emails with for a while. She is a fellow MS'er that has three small kiddos. She came over with her kids and we had a wonderful time. Emma was being a little spitfire. But, the rest of the kiddos had a good time. The mom, Jennifer and I had an awesome time talking about our lesions, neurologists, drugs, raising kids, etc. All of which she and I can only understand without saying a thing. She and I hit it off and promised to do something again real soon. She was in the same boat as I am in that we don't have anyone around us that is "like us". Can understand raising kids, being young and pretty much at the same point of our disease (she has had it for a few years). Very thankful to have run come into contact with her. Spent the next 45 minutes after she left cleaning up the house and the yard - 5 kids, ages 5 and under sure can do a number in the messy department.

This evening Jay and I held our first T-Ball practice for our team! I set aside a better part of an hour setting up some practice drills and some ideas on how to run a practice. It probably would have worked out perfectly, except that the organization that was running it was so unorganized that it didn't allow us to do anything that we had planned and barely had the chance to coach the kiddos at all. We were both very frustrated, but now we know that next week should be better. And I will write a note to the person that runs the T-Ball and clarify some things. Also, it will be imparative to find someone to care for Madeline while we are coaching. Jay's parents offered to do that tonight, but we thought it wouln't be necessary. Well, it is necessary and someone, anyone will have to do that.

I am exhausted!

Sunday, July 12, 2009

One heck of a weekend! Friday night started off with a birthday celebration which led to Saturday and two more birthday parties for the kiddos! Ufdah! Lots of fun and I think that the girls have been on a sugar high - especially since they don't usually get much. But, it was a lot of fun. The girls have such great friends and all of the parents are great, so to have us all trading locations to celebrate birthdays this weekend worked out perfectly and everyone got along!

Today Jay and I were able to secure a babysitter while we went or a boat ride on Lk Minnetonka. It was to support a friend of mine who is battling lung cancer. She has also started a very sucessful organization called "A Breath of Hope". They do fundraisers for lung cancer research and programs.

The boat ride was beautiful. The weather was lovely and a nice small group of people who care about my friend coming togther to support her. Jay and I also had a nice time getting away or a little bit. Something that happens very rarely.

Summer has been running away far too quickly. I told Jay that I have suddenly overbooked myself again. As he said "Andrea, you cannot control the world." And my response was "At least I can try". Top on my plate is to figure out how to coach 4 year olds in T Ball. I have until 6pm tomorrow to work on solving that!

Friday, July 10, 2009

This evening started off our weekend of parties! All kids parties, but that is ok! Lots of fun for the little ones and fun for us with great friends too.

Tonight was a party for one of the girls little friends. It was at a local club with a kids pool. We all got in and splashed around. Most of the photos that I got were of Madeline. She is a little fish and doesn't mind getting water in the eyes - she is always out to have more fun (might be a little worrysome when she gets to be 15 or so). Emma loves the water, but she is a little more "girlie" about it. Generally doesn't like to get it in her face and does her own splashing.
It was a nice small party. One of the couples there had three small kids. For some reason, a couple of times, I found myself wondering about what kinds of things they have to worry about. They have a sweet little, growing family and all seems well. Did we look like that? I suppose so from the outside and mostly from the inside as well. We are a happy little family with dreams and hopes and things that we don't want to give up on because of my disease or because of the strain it hs caused in our lives.....
Must work on a babysitter for an event that we hope to go to on Sunday!

Thursday, July 9, 2009

This is going to be short and sweet. I need to hit the sack early. We have a big weekend coming up filled with 3 parties for little ones, 1 gathering for a friend with a cause and a few other things to get done in between.

Today was a Dr appointment day with my neurologist. Because the girls put on their best "show" - and I am not talking about a cutsey little show, a crazed and loud performance by two little girls - last appointment, I swore that I would not bring them next time. So, since my optins for care for the girls during the day is slim, Jay took the afternoon off to spend with them and I could go "freely" to my appointment.

At the appointment I was there for a regular MS check up as well as follow up for the research project that I volunteered for. I had a chance to talk with my Dr. about some questions, the future and other myths/ideals that people have had about care for MS people. He is a very sweet man and is so smart and well spoken that he doesn't leave much question in your mind. I had to laugh. When he first walked into the room, he said "where are your girls today?" I chuckled and asked if he was kidding. He thought they were "charming". He is from New Zealand. Perhaps "charming" has a different meaing there.

After the check up with the Dr. I spent some time talking with the gal in the research dept. She always has to ask me a bunch of questions and strip me of lots of blood. We got into the ethical debate of if the government is really interested in finding a cure for diseases becaus there is so much money to be made within drug companies and with the diseases. Keep peole sick and you keep lots of companies in business making lots and LOTS of money. Interesting conversation and one that if ever given the chance (and if I had enough guts - yes, me questioning if I had enough guts) I would love to question those high, high up in office. Doesn't matter your political affiliation, just some intersting points.

Had dinner wih Jay's parents tonight then home for stories and bed. Now it is my turn!

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

First of all, Aunt Beth if you are reading today, I am cursing you for introducing me to those "PopChips". I ran into them at a local store and cannot keep my hands off of them. Damn are they good! (I say that lovingly as I pop one into my mouth.)

We took in a show at the library with some musicians showcasing some different instruments. Occassionally at these shows, the entertainers will ask for volunteers. Today Emma volunteered which really surprised me because she doesn't like to be focused on like that. Well, the man called on her, she began to get up, my heart leaped in thinking that I had to quic get to my purse and get my camera to remember this moment. Before I could even make a move to my purse she had backed down and was huddled next to me. Maybe next time.

I received a call from the YMCA who is working in conjunction with the local community center to organize T-Ball that Emma was signed up for as part of her birthday gift. They wanted to see if I was still interested in coaching her team. Sheepishly I said yes. Years ago Jay and I had coached Ashley's team, for quite a few years, but I haven't ever coached 4 year olds. I can teach those kids the alphabet, how to write letters and even work with the school board in securing future lass funding, but T-ball?!!? Thankfully the guy told me that they have some coaching tips and pointers in a handbook that I can read over to give me some information. I forgot that you have to teach them things like what the name of that space on that you stand to hit the ball. Either way, it will be fun for us and we will make it fun for the kids and good memories for the girls.

Emma danced her little heart out tonight. As much as she doesn't want to be the focus of somethings, she was willing to be the "leader" tonight in class. She was very good at it! And she was excited that Grandma Kim came to watch her.

We were having a relaxing night, then we got started talking about some small, inexpensive (in theory) updating projects that we can do around the house. Somehow it morphed into cleaning out the garage and some other things. I am sure it is not what Jay wanted to do tonight. But, it looks good. I have a personal goal to clean out the office so that it can be turned into Madeline's bedroom by the end of this month. That might be a lofty goal but worth a shot. Emma really, really wants bunkbeds that she and Madz can share in her room. So we are pricing out those as well as needing to get the office cleaned and turned into a real room. I think it is important for them to still have a seperate space if needed. Ugh, it isn't going to be fun - bring on the cleaning supplies - but it will be great when it is done!!

If you look closely at the photo that I posted of the picture that Emma colored, can you see the humor that Jay and I found in that? Something that perhaps a 9 year old boy would find funny. Emma made breasts on the woman. Well, in the summer time, our church doesn't have Sunday school. So Emma stays with us in service. They have some great coloring sheets and learning things for the kids. This past week this was the sheet that Emma had. Her coloring of the woman was interesting. And in elementary humor, Jay and I couldn't control our laughter during service. . . .

Monday, July 6, 2009

A fellow MS'er that I have been in contaact with and have a playdate set up with next week forwarded to me an article that was written about a gal getting treatment for her MS. Pretty exciting stuff! Hopefully you can read the link...

This picture is of the girls playing school in dress up clothes.

Sunday, July 5, 2009

Pretty unbelievable that we have had almost a whole weekend to hang out together as a little family. Daddy didn't have to work! What a great weekend it was!

A good portion of the day yesteday was spent hanging out at the local carnival and festivities - going on rides, eating and watching the parade. What a great time. Some very tired girls got in a small nap then dine on some delicisious steaks for dinner. Sticking to Jay's desisre not to go out of our way to go anywhere this weekend, we camped out in our backyard for the fireworks. The girls loved watching the home fireworks show that Jay put on - with all legal fireworks, of course What a great time!

For some reason, even after all of the festivities of the day before, Madeline was up at 6am. I certainly wasn't ready to be up (I keep telling myself that I need to go to bed before midnight). The morning went slow, but we made it to church. After the service we walked out to a beautiful day! Couldn't be more beautiful. We made a stop at Target for some new water toys and home for some more fun.

We took out our new slip-n-slide and water shooters and got wet! We were in the pool and sliding down the slide. There was no age limit here and none of us were safe from the water!!

Thankfully I even got a nap in today and woke up in time to watch my Tiger walk away with another golf trophy. Yipee!

Back to real life tomorrow!

Friday, July 3, 2009

The girls and I had a grea time visiting with Great Grandma and Grandpa today. They just enjoy speding time with the kids so much and they do with them. As for me, I love that they get the opportunity to know them and spend time with them! We admired the bunnies in the yard and Grandpa played lts of practical jokes on the girls. Remenicient of many times when I was younger.

Home for naps and I took some time planting two clematis that I have. This is a new one for me so I have to get acquainted with how I should be tying them up, but boy are they beautiful plants. I sure hope that they fill in the space that I put them.

Daddy got home and you could almost see the tension leave and the relaxing fill his body. We played and grilled out. Then somehow I was able to talk him into helping me shave one of the dogs (all three need it, but it takes a while and it is just too expensive to bring them into the groomers...) Ugh, he is in terrible shape. The collies are getting old and it is sad to see them starting to loose weight, but thankfully as playful as ever!

We had a little dance party in the driveway. Emma was leading the way with some fancy dance moves. Then we enoyed more time together. Poor Madz was so pooped that after bath she fell apart. So it was quick to bed and hopefully a little sleeping in. A whole day with daddy tomorrow! Yipee!!

Thursday, July 2, 2009

It seems as though lately we have been so busy running and running. Thankfully the kids are experts at this and are FAIRLY good with getting dragged here and there. But, between finishing fathers day gifts - yes, finishing them, with 5 grandpa/great grandpa's between the girls and an involved project, it is just getting finished - and my recent love of clematis plants for the yard, I have been on a several quests. However, Jay gave orders of strictly wanting to not make any plans this weekend. Since he has been working virtually weeks straight I will afford him that. I am doing my part at not making any plans. We do need to have some family time together. This weekend should be good for that.

Poor little Madeline woke up at 5 this morning, I heard her crying but didn't go in. Then at 6:10 she was up and it sounded like she was not going back to bed. Went in to get her to find that the little babe had gotten sick in her bed. Poor little bean! So this morning we spent hanging out at home to see what was going to come of Madz today. After several hours, breakast and a snack she was feeling just fine. Grandpa Al stopped by to entertain everyone. Then with the clouds making a timely disappearance we headed off to the pool. We had a great time!

This evening was filled with play outside. Just what we all like!

Thankfully tomorrow is Friday! On top of everything else, Jay and I are going to have to discuss some car options. We are making two fairly substantial car payments and we only really drive one car and Jay has his work van . . . Until we get the rest of my Dr's bills paid off we need to make some sort of adjustment. Blah!!