Saturday, January 31, 2009

Snow fun!

Ahhh, back up into the positive farenheit digits!! The feeling in the air was so great. At one point today, my car read 50 degrees - well, actually 49, but who cares! What an awesome way to end the month after such a crappy January!

We gave a call to Grandma Dar and Grandpa Bob this morning to see what they were up to. They said that they were expecting some other family members to stop by for a visit and they would love to have us. So the girls and I packed up and headed over.

Em and Madz had a great time playing with their cousins. They just love going over to grandma and grandpa's house to play and visit. When we left Emma asked when we are going over again to play. It was twice as nice that they were able to spend time with both of their Aunts as well! We all enjoyed lunch together and had a great time.

The girls and I gathered up our things right after lunch and head home. Emma has been so looking forward to getting "good snow" so that we could make a snowman. Today was our day!!

It was funny trying to watch Madeline try to navigate her way around the yard. Emma was just concerned about the finishing touches on the snowman. We made up some stories about what our snowman will do at night. Because, you know, at night the snowmen of the neighborhood got together for snow games. Madeline and I had to finish up the fort/house for the snowman because Emma was in distress about the snow that had gone down her back. Gosh, the fresh air was great and the sunshine was invigorating! No one really fought me on nap time and soon everyone was in dream land.

Because of the nice weather, Jay didn't get home from work until about 6:30. It was a long day in the world of car washes! And he is anticipating another long one tomorrow - hopefully not to long so he can come to the SuperBowl Party!!

After dinner and baths, Jay and the girls gathered around the table to bear witness to my second Rebif injection. I left Emma choose where I would do it. She chose my arm. So there it went. Just as smoothly as the one in the doctors office. Hoping that the side effects will have the same result - nothing.

Before bed I asked Emma what she thought about watching me do the shot. She said, "it was good". I said, "do you have any questions about the shots?" and she said "no" and just went on playing with her paperdolls.

Everyone is tucked in, Jay is still on the phone with a co-worker discussing work (I swear these guys talk more then any other employees that I have ever known) and I am determined to get to bed before midnight.

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