Friday, January 2, 2009

Madeline's Money

For about the past month or month and a half, Madeline has been using the "big potty" about 3 -4 times per day (I think that we have just been lucky to have two kiddos who are very interested in using the big potty).

As I did with Emma, I offer Maddie one M&M after she successfully uses the toilet - we actually have to give her two of them. One for Madz and the other for Emma. It is really sweet how Madeline will run to find Emma to give her the candy and they together will get excited because Madeline was a "big girl".

But, for some reason, after Madz is done going potty lately she will ask for "money, money, money". I think that somehow she has morphed "M&M" into "money". Perhaps you have to her it in person to catch the full effect. Needless to say we are well on our way to being out of diapers for Madeline.

New Years Day did not offer a lot of excitement. We had to kind of lay low since Jay was on call for any car wash emergencies that may come up from one of his companies biggest clients. We watched "Annie". And as luck would have it, with about an hour left to go in his shift he got two calls and was gone until 7:30pm. The girls and I went to get a gourmet Subway sandwich for daddy when he got home.

Today the girls and I were out the door and on our way to run some errands and take Emma to a surprise. The gym lasted about 40 minutes. I went for quantity, not quality today. I hit almost all of my usual machines, just not with the love and intensity as usual. We flew through the car wash, Cub Foods and Hallmark and were on our way to blow off some energy.

We pulled into the gymnastics club that Emma previously took classes at. This was Emmas surprise. She was SOOOO excited. "Oh, thank you mommy for signing me up for clsses again." Too sweet. Actually we were there to do the signing up and participate in their open gym time.

The girls had a blast. Emma jumped right back onto all of the apparatices and Madeline gave them all a try as well. Madz had no fear. Just following her big sister to everything she could. We jumped, we swung, we ran, we flipped. We left with a promise to come back in a week to start Emma in big girl classes.

Home for lunch and naps. All of that excercise is a lovely thing for naps.

Jay got home just as the girls were getting up from their naps. Attempted to grill dinner, but the propane tank had issues. So the broiler had to do. It just isn't the same as the grill. But, good none the less.

Bed time for the girls and probably daddy too. He has been doing a lot of work lately and has to continue through the weekend.

The picture above is from last winter. I love the pic and since my camera has been on hiatis since the new year I had to break out an old shot.

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