Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Monday and Tuesday

Last night got too late and I was too relaxed to write anything.

Monday was a nice day. Jay did not have to work and the classes that the girls were in are starting up again after the holiday break. I was sooo excited that Jay would have the chance to come to Madelines class with Emma and I.
Because of his job and the fact that they do not have "personal days" or other opportunities to take time off (with his job it is virtually impossible to step out for a couple hours throughout the day) we were so happy to have him come with us to Maz's class.

We got to school and brought Emma into the sibling care room. We tell her that she is there to help the teachers and she loves that. But, really there are a couple of other kids there her age and they read a ton of books, do crafts and have a snack with some of the awesome paraprofessionals.

Then on to Madelines class. Jay was not used to the "chaos" that accompanies such an occassion. But, he kept up fairly well. He was entertained when Maddie put on her "show" during song time. She is such a ham!

Then we split off into parent time. We didn't have much of a true discussion as we typically do. We really just reconnected after the holidays and discussed the ups and downs of some of our Christmas gatherings.

Then off to lunch and home for naps.

Jay made sloppy joes for an early dinner before I had to head to a board meeting for a group that I am part of. Funny how a nice, all be it short, drive in the car all by myself feels like a get away. The meeting turned out to be successful and to find agreement on some end results that will help out our program.

After the meeting, I came home to find my little family almost ready for bed. I was redy for some relax time with daddy.

This morning was a back to school morning for Emma. Which meant running at break neck speed to get there on time. Emma was still stuck on "Jamaican time". So her word for the day that she also repeated to her teachers was "tardy".

While Emma was in school, Madeline and I ran off to the gym for a nice workout. I rekindled my relationship with Mr Eliptical, all be it only for a quick rendevoux. But, was able to get the rest of the body worked on as well. Then to the store and back to pick up Emma.

We were in a hurry home to meet up with our neighbor who invited us over for a lunch and to visit. It was a nice time. However, Emma quickly found her comfort level and turned off all of her listening functions. There is something about being at someone elses house, especially ones that do not have small kids, and keeping your kids under control that can really wear someone out. Thankfully these neighbors do not have lots of expensive things or even breakable things so we escaped without oweing for any breakables.

Came home and put the kids to bed. I had laundry that could have been done, stuff to take care of in the dishwasher and phone calls to make. But, I had absolutly no energy to do any of it. The kiddos had run me ragged. Ufdah. So I started reading a new book in a very quiet house. Ahhh.

Jay came home and we started dinner. But, only just a start because Emma started her gymnastics tonight!! We all were so excited. Jay and I love to watch her, Madeline loves anything that Emma does and Emma loves to do it! A great form of excersize. Madeline was not happy that her sister was so far away and doing somehting without her. I took lots of photos but I could not get the flash and the lighting to work out so all of the photos look pretty crappy. I will try the 35mm next time.

Came home for dinner and bath. I think that Madeline may be starting to get some molars so her typical happy personality was hindered by some biting on her finger and tears. So here I am with one happy sleeping baby and Emma is sitting on my lap. She is eager to type. Here is her addition to this posting:


Her bedtime is here and I must get to bed as well. Tomorrow is a "date" with my MS friend!

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