Friday, January 30, 2009

Significant improvement

A much less complicated day then yesterday.

Awoke this morning with not much on my mind since I am, thankfully, feeling about 99% - the missing 1% is because of some sleep that is missing due to a 3 1/2 year old who "needed a hug" at 5:15am and "needing a kiss" at 6:16am - we were able to plan the day however we want.

I decided that we needed to attempt to do some investigative work into a new fridge - where are the good deals, a good model, any group discounts for matching other appliances. Since Jay is working this weekend we will not have the time to get that stuff done. There is a necessity to have a properly working fridge now that my shots are kept in there. We cannot afford the $3200 monthly cost of my drug that Pfizer charges. Wasting them is not an option. So with our food in mind and drugs to keep safely cool a new fridge is necessary.

We plowed through Appliancesmart, finding some good deal and not leaving much damage in our wake. On to Sears, some different models there. Stopped at the food court for lunch and on to the germ pit to refill on our bacteria levels and do a little playing. I sat next to a gal that I later found out I used to coach in gymnastics. I didn't recognize her. Beautiful gal who looks EXACTLY like Angelina Jolie except her lips are far smaller. She has 3 girls so we exchanged numbers. On to home for naps, etc.

I attempted to make a dent in my email inbox, some thank you notes, a thinking of you card, some info on the MS walk. Didn't get ONE thing completed, but I did get about 100 things STARTED.

Jay got home and we discussed the fridge situation. Decided that we can go out and survey the situation in the refridgerator world. A call to Grandma Kim and Grandpa Don was a great relief since they were happy to watch the girls. Jay and I were off to embark on a romantic Friday evening shopping for refridgerators.

The evening went too fast and was far more complicated then anticpated. Our lovely mid-80's house - never, ever buy one if you have a choice - has a space for only a smaller fridge. So we had a choice of 2 models. Yes, they are smaller then the standard size, but no less expensive.

A quick bite to eat and we went and got the girls. Came home and went to bed. Jay's tummy started not feeling well again, so he tuckered out. My turn.

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