Friday, January 16, 2009

Can't find my camera

A nice day of staying home, which certainly doesn't happen much around here. Emma had a nice little playdate with a boy friend of hers from school. A nice little boy that calls me Ms. Andrea. They had a great time of playing with Madeline tagging along every step of the way. It is wonderful to listen to them talk and actually discuss things with each other.

My sister stopped by dring transition while her car was getting fixed by a trusted customer of Jay's. She and I watched the kiddos play and we caught up on things.

Time came for Emma's little friend to leave. And Grandma Kim to arrive - well, today I could say that she is my "employee". She came to "help me" clean my house in preparation for the little party we are having tomorrow night. Actually, I didn't do much helping, which was probably better for everyone. I tried to keep the kids at bay while the others cleaned. I did have to turn in on of my "house cleaning coupons" that was given to me at Christmas time.

Jay got home and we relaxed over a drink while having a very nice, deep talk. The kids were occupied with Seasme Street. Then off to Costco to stock up on party items.

We topped off the evening with dinner. I have said before how great madz is doing with potty training, and she still is. The only thing about potty training is that they are just getting to "know" their bodies, so at times it is hard to tell the difference in the bodily functions. So, needless to say, I spend most of the meal time going back and forth to the bathroom with a little Madeline eager to go potty.

Home and straight to bed for my little babes. Right now Jay is asleep on the couch. Not because I put him there, just because he was too tired to drag himself to bed. I will do my best before I head to bed myself.

I have added a new link to the web page on the left. It is for "the love of Liz". A website and group devoted to raising money and things needed for spouses, partners and kids who have had parents die. Also, my friend Matt Logelin is featured in People magazine this month. We were asked to submit photos that we had taken on the memorial walk this fall to People for this article, but they decided not to use them. He is someone who I have talked to about the morphasis of his blog, what is written, how he writes and how people react. It seems that no matter who you are and what you write about, there are always people who don't like something you write. He is an amazing man with true skill for the beautiful written word and photos.

My pillows are calling.

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