Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Time away

This 5:45am thing that Maddie has going desn't seem to faze her in the least. Thankfully, I haven't been fazed too much either. I am sure that if it was winter and cold in the morning it would be a different story. I just wish that she would remember how nice it is to sleep in a bit.

We got going this morning and were actually early for school. Then Madz and I were off to do some power shopping. I had to gather a bunch of stuff for the end of the year party and some other unsuccessful stops in effort to put together my flower pots. I don't think that my requests are too difficult, but obviously Menards, Home Depot and Ace Hardware disagree. Raced back to pick up Em.

We decided that this day was far too beautiful to waste, so we packed up lunch and headed to a park. No one else was there. Home for naps.

By the time the girls rolled out of bed, Jay was home and I was getting ready to go out for dinner - without the kids - with my friend. She rolled up in a fancy little convertible and we rolled in style to dinner.

The meal was great and conversation was better. Nothing can rejuvinate you like some much needed alone time with a good friend. Three hours later I was dropped off. A couple of excited little girls greeted me. Jay had gone grocery shopping and given the girls a bath. Very awesome!

Off to buy some flowers tomorrow! Yipee!!

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