Tuesday, March 31, 2009


Emma started off the morning saying that she did not want to go to school. Very unusual for her, but I told her that school is a must. So, we packed up and went.

An hour and half later, I got a call to come pick up Emma because she wasn't feeling well. That was confirmed when she threw up all over the backseat of my car. Thank goodness for leather seats. Not sure how the carseat will fair from this, but I am hoping that the car won't smell of puke tomorrow.

After a bath and a fairly big lunch, Emma was back to "normal". No temp and acting like herself.

At naptime I was hoping for some long ones out of the girls because I had a few phone calls and house keeping things to do. However, I only got about 35 minutes out of Emma. Oh shucks, the housekeeping will have to wait.

The girls mellowed on the couch with some Seasme Street before Emma's gymnastics. Sure, I questioned having her go to class. But, she was doing fine, said she was feeling fine, and we had talked all week about this being her last class.

Off we went. She did great and nothing was holding her back. Her coach recommended her going on to the next class. Jay said that since the last couple of weeks he was gone so much and had worked so much overtime he wanted to treat the girls to another session Yeah!

Home for some dinner and two tired little girls for bed. Jay and I are admiring the snow coming ever so softly and sticking to the ground. Oh, who the hell amd I kidding? We are cursing this. . . . Off to dream about warm weather and beaches.

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