Monday, March 9, 2009


We are here - Home! It was a very long day yesterday. Saying our goodyes to grandma and grandpa after lunch we headed toward Orlando where our flight was leaving out of at 9:15pm.

We stumbled upon Downtown Disney and knowing we didn't have much/if any money left after this past week, this was a perfect opportunity to entertain the kids and not spend much money! We strolled around and finally settled on eating at the Disney McDonalds - yep, that is how we do it at Disney! It was a lot of fun and enjoyed some playing with Legos after our meal.

Made a mad rush back to the airport - Jay thinking that we were running way too late and me not at all concerned. I should have taken the time to remember that at the end of a vacation, Jay is usually at the end of his patience rope. Which then draws me to the end of mine. By the time we got on the plane I was not at all enteratined by his constant complaining and swearing. Ugh! Dives me nuts.

Dispite a small bout with crying during th flight, the girls were awesome on the plane. Grandpa Don was waiting with our chariot to drive us home.

Ahhh, home sweet home! Yes, it is in MN, but until we chage that, it is still our home and we were all thankful to be back there. Even if it was at 1am.

After a small amount of sleep for us all we were up to start the day. The girls do not have any school classes this week because it is spring break for the district. So we made a pathetic stop at the gym. It was more for my mental psychie, then for physical restructuring. I am pretty certain that Mr. Eliptical was mocking me as I left. With a run to the grocery store we were home and nestled in for the rest of the day.

It was a mellow evening. Madeline keeping us entertained by running around for a good portion of the night wearing Mr. Potatohead's glasses.

10:05 and I am really ready for bed?!?!

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