Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Oh geez, it is almost 11pm and I still haven't done my shot and I have a couple of emails to respond to yet.....Thankfully, I should knock on wood, Madeline slept until 8:15 this morning (ha, I knew she had it in her!) so I might not have to be up with the roosters tomorrow morning!

Felt better on the whole today. The "flu like symptoms" went away, just in time for a cold to set in. We made our way to Great Grandma and Grandpa's house for a while to spend some time with them and with the cousins. The kiddos were maniacs, but they had lots of fun!

After naps I got to do a little gardening. Planting and weeding. Now I think that my flowers would appreciate some sunshine - as would I!

This evening we were invited over to Grandma Kim and Grandpa Don's for dinner and play time. It was nice to get out and have more adult interaction and the girls liked the change of scenery.

Got home late and had to finish drying Emma's sheets. So everyone to bed late and I still need to do that damn shot.

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