Got moving this morning to TRY and accomplish a couple of the things on my "to do" list. On our way out the door I grabbed some of my maternity clothes for a friend since I don't have a need for them right now. Then on to the gym to get the body moving. My already short workout was made even shorter by seeing Madeline out of the corner of my eye making a break from the kids room to the door - obviously the new girl in the kids room doesn't quite have everything down pat yet.
I needed to get moving to our next destination anyway. So we swung in to the phone booth - do they even have those anymore? - it actually was the changing room, but we were moving so quickly it felt like it should have been something with more mystique.
We went to Madeline's school for a meeting. I was asked to come to perhaps be a part of a committee that would help to try to "save" the early childhood programs that our state is so lucky to have. That is the description in a nutshell. The meeting was good and there are a lot of good ideas floating around the room. It will be interesting to see how it all plays out. There were a lot of people who had grandios ideas and certainly weren't aware of the follow through.
Friends cam over for a pizza "picnic" and some fun. I took Madz for a walk then we met up with the rest of the group for some outside playing. Then home for bedtime.
Had a legnthy talk with my Aunt about the future. Something that I knew way little too much about and can identify with all too well. The future is something that we all need to face is coming weather we like it or not and how we look at it makes all the difference in the world.
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