Off to school and the gym for a wonderful workout. Home for a picnic lunch out in the front yard made complete by visit from Super Mary and her lovely small companion.
We came in for naps. I was goin got get some things done during naptime, but I just couldn't stand to be inside the house. So I pulled out a deck chair and dug up a couple of things I have been meaning to read and just enjoyed myself. My tremendusly enjoyable nap time was only interrupted by a gentleman ringing the doorbell trying to sell me magazines or whatever. He was offended when I blew him off right away, but we have these sales people come around every week and it gets old. Especially since they always seem to ring the bell right at nap time.
When the girls got up, we went in the back for some playtime. So much fun to have so much to do without doing anything!! The girls like to dig, swing, slide, pretend - anything, we just enjoy being outside. The tv is never on (except for the small amount of time in the morning when I have to get my news updates from Matt). Love that!
Another fabulous meal from the grill and more play outside. I took the girls for a walk tonight. It was so much fun! Madeline just sat in the stroller, kind of tired out from all of the fun. Emma walked beside me the whole time. She would push the stroller, then just walk. We had a great time! We talked and she told me stories. A terrific time. We stopped for quite sometime to talk with a neighbor down the street. I ended up telling her about my "condition" - I have received a couple of mailings lately that talk about having a "condition". The wording is somewhat humorous, so I will use it from time to time.
I am tired out from all of the outside time. But, can't wait to do it all again tomorrow!!
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