Kind of a crazy day with lots of running to make sure that many needs are fulfulled.
Started off the morning running late to my girlfirends house. She and I offered to take care of some kiddos while their mom took care of some necessary business. I got to her house and everything was mellow. Amazing how quickly that can change. The 7:2 ration of kids:adults ws very apparent when we had kids filling up the tub, climbing the stair railing (the outside of it), and pulling everytig off of her pantry shelves. Regretfully, I had to leave her and go on to my next stop.
On to another one of my favorite people's house. This girlfrend offered to watch my kids, puking or not, while I went to a neurlogist appointment. One day I will find a nice and appropriate way of thanking all of these people for their neverending giving to help. Then I was off.
Trying to plan for a more successful trip to the U, I made sure that I got directions so that I could get there on time.
Finally at 11:28, with an appointment to start in 2 minutes, I had to call Jay and tell him that I was in front of Sexworld. A quick reminder not to get excited, it is just where I happened to end up when I realized that I was no where near where I needed to be. He redirected me to where I needed to be. Damn Mapquest!
The doctors visit was just a bunch of little tests to confirm how my mobility was. A little peg test, brisk walking, a vibrating wand thing (no, that is not a Sexworld reference. I just forgot the ame of the device). Then y doctr came in and we talked about my drugs and how they were going. Then I gave away so
me blood and off I went.
Went to go pick up my kiddos and sat and chatted for a while with my friend then home for naps.
Jay got home and th girls woke up. Emma DEFINATLY wok up on the wrong side of the bed and that continued all night.
Ordered pizza, had baths and had a little family tv night. Then everyone went on to dreamland. I am sure that I will make it there too.
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