The girls and I had nothing on the calendar, and with the upcoming expenses for the walk, we were not to spend any funds. But, with the weather looking gloomy and so much talk about the piggy flu running rampant, we had to drag ourselves out the door to the gym.
After the gym, and a quick stop at the grocery store where we met briefly with Grandma Kim unexpectedly, we were home for lunch and play time. Emma made a birthday card for her American Idol friend and Madeline practiced her important scissor skills.
Nap time came early since Em's gymnastics on Wednesdays is pretty early. Upon the girls getting into bed, I was working on several different things that I have on my plate.
Jay got home early and we were able to get Em and Madz out the door for gymnastics on time.
Emma was like a whol new kid tonight. She tumbled like a star and worked those bars like no ones business. Ok, so she wasn't Mary Lou Reton, but it was amazing to see the things that she was suddenly able to do. Jay and I were both so proud. Not just cause she was able to do all of the advanced moves (and the only one in class that can do them), but proud because she paid attention and tried things even after she fell. She got back up and tried again! Awesome!
Home for a quiet dinner and quiet evening. The girls and I played gymnastics for a while, then Madz had play time with the cat (I wonder when he will realize if he doesn't want the attention to hide under the bed.)
I tried before to post a little video, but couldn't get it to work. These days Madeline is speaking in scentences. She says so may words and will put them all together. I am pretty amazed. I know that having an older sibling helps a lot.
I am ready for bed as well. This little lady needs her beauty rest - litterally and figurativly.
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