Anyway, made it down there. We were caught in the midst of a masive search throughout the building for some missing hispanic teenager. Not sure what that was all about but there was some mention of a baby and this girl hiding out.
After answering a bunch of questions and leaving them with lots of vials of blood, we were off to get Em from school. As I looked at my watch and then out my window to see that the traffic was slowing to a stop on 394, I went into panic. I was never going to make it to pick Emma up on time. I started to call everyone that I could think of. No one was answering their phones. I left a message for her teacher. Then called Jay as I knew that he was working right accross the street from school. He said that he couldn't leave. One of those times that I hate h
is job. No flexibility. As I got closer to the school I finally reached one of my girlfriends who said that they had Emma with them. The visions of a poor, pathetic girl standing on the corner waiting for her mom who "forgot" about her vanished.
Went to McD's for a birthday party for a good friend. Then home for naps. Realizing that I need to get used to Emma not napping. She was in her room for about 30 minutes. Truly no break in the day. This probably answers a lot of questions about why she is such a little crabby apple after lunch until bedtime. Her body is adjusting. As a friend of mine said when her daughter was transitioning out of naps, "that was the worst two months of her life". Awesome.
The girls got up, Jay got home and we went outside to play until dinner. Came in for a quick dinner time then out again. At some point during the evening Emma said something to the effect of "You can stop being my mommy now, I need a new one." She was pissed about something I said.
However, her sentinments changed very quickly when Jay surprised the girls with cooking smores outside. It wasn't long before Em was hugging my leg saying "I love you. You can stay my mom
my for a while." Amazing what a little sugar will do.

On to bed for both. Acutally Emma fell asleep on Madz floor in the 5 minutes it takes to put her down. She is tired. We need to work on a new bedtime routine if there aren't going to be any naps.
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