But I made it up and the girls came not long after. I started some cleaning and laundry. Around breakfast time Jay rolled out of bed, only to roll back in. I wasn't about to t
iptoe around the house any more, so he would have to suffer through the vaccuming. The girls jumped in bed with him to watch some cartoons.
We made it to church on time and then to McD's for lunch. When we got home you could tell that the girls were feeling close to nap time as everyone was more on edge. However, I am not sure how much, if any, nappping Emma got done. Not long after Madz got up we packed up and headed to Grandpa Al and Grandma Nicki's house.
From about the moment we got in, I figured that Grandpa Al and Grandma Nicki's house and livlihood would bare most of the brunt of Emma's lack of sleep. She was, for lack of a better word, a little shit! (Just look at the photo of the girls together. This will give you a good idea of how the night was going to go.) She was terrible! She would put on
a smile, then do something just nasty. Yuck! But, Jay was there to help out with some electronics stuff so we stuck it out. If we never get invited back again, I wouldn't be surprised. We took a walk and G. Al did some drawing and other fun things with the girls.
By the time we got out of there, the girls were being entertained by their new "singing" Hannah Montana pens that G. Al had as sales samples. Boy, those were a hit. Straight from the car to bed, with a pit stop for pajamas. Jay did a quick shot for me. As I look at the clock I find that it is way past my bedtime too!
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