Yesterday we spent a good portion of the day having a playdate with some dear friends. Emma, her granddaughter and another friend just love to play. My friend did a fun craft - she is a Martha Stewart in disguise.
After naps we headed out to Emma's new gymnastics class. She was a little spunky. But, we suggested that next week she try to concentrate more and less on what everyone else is doing. We got home and ordered pizza.
This morning was school. Always a great day. We talked in class about discipline and threats. So many people had so much to say. It is amazing how when you start talking about 3 1/2 - 4 year olds and misbehaving the conversations could go on for hours. Today, after something ver serious I am sure, Emma was angry at me. She said, "Mom, I just need to take a trip away from you for a while."
After school we came home and made some yummy rice krispie bars. The girls
decorated the heck out of them. Then we went and played out back on the swingset. Oh, that was awesome! First time this year. We swang and went down the slide. We also went to the garden to check out the items that are starting to peek out. Wow, there is a lot of work to be dine in the backyard.
Came in for naps. I had lots of coorospondence to do on the computer and some cleaning of the kitchen. I finially forced myself to sit down and write a short speech for the school board meeting tonight.
I struggled through writing all of the things that I needed to get down. Jay and I were asked to talk at the board meeting to represet families that take classes with their kids in efforts to sway the board to keep those programs.
We headed off to the meeting. My speech went ok. Of course I veared off of my speach and I think my words turned to crap, but hoping that I got my point across. The girls were terific nd Jay did a nice job as well.
Came home, played, ate dinner and Jay had to give Madeline her own special bath after she decied to eat an ink pad.

After the bath - we aren't sure why we decided to do it after the bath - we colored Easter eggs. That is so much fun. Madeline ended up just as colorful after coloring eggs as she was earlier. And Emma was as precise as always when it came to getting the perfect color on her eggs.
Emergency clean up on the Oak table and the floor so that they would not be tyedyed, then on to bed for the little one. Right now Emma is aslep on the couch waitin for me to put her to bed.
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