A day of lots of rain and indoor activities. We got to do lots of activites sine Madeline woke up at 6:20 this morning yelling at her door that she was "awake now"! So we sat and rested for a little bit on the couch then started playing with puzzles and all sorts of fun stuff when Emma got up about a half hour later.
Church was wonderful this morning. There was a very large choir (about 100 college kids) from Luther College in Iowa that were visiting. They did virtually all of the music and singing and it was AWESOME. It was phenominal listenting to them.
We broke from tradition today and stopped at the store for some pizzas for lunch and home to do some playing. Nap time came and everyone indulged. When I got up, Jay was off running an errand. Emma and I got up to play quietly before Madeline woke up.
Emma was, sadly enough, so excited that it was raining out because that meant that I would let her watch Seasme Street after naps (we don't do tv on the nice days - there are so few of them that we have to take advantage of them).
Jay cooked up a delicious roast for dinner - the girls performed their own little dance party at the table when they were done eating. Complete with their own songs and lovely dancing on the chairs. Then a quick bath and we reconveined downstairs to watch an episdoe of "penguins of Madagascar" - it is a cartoon of the penguins from the movie "Madagascar". It is really very, very funny. After an ice cream treat, a shot for me and bedtime for all.
Madeline's last class tomorrow until I can get her signed up for another one - which I hope to do. I have lots of follow up and some planning to do for the walk on Sunday. We have a small group coming, but it will be a lot of fun! Not to mention knowing that the group coming is there to support me and our quest to make the world free of MS. That is something that we can all be happy about helping with.
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