Thursday, April 30, 2009

my little beans

Today was the last day of "mommy class" during Emma's school (every Thursday, I would join Emma for 1/2 of her class at school. We would do activities and spanish together. The other portion would be where the mommies, daddies and grandparents would get together to learn about our kiddos. A very, very valuable learning experience. Madeline would go to the classroom ext to us for "sib care". She spent time with two very loving teachers for playtime.). It proved to be a very interesting last class, but fun none the less.

After class a ew of us stopped at MD's to chat about our last class and try to put some planning into the last day of school party. Can't believe that Emma's last day of school is just around the corner!

Home for some play and naptime. I did some more work for some things and I also found a lost list of my email addresses. When the Chinese company hijaced my email a couple of weeks ago, my email addresses have been gone. I have been lost without them. Today I uncovered a list of them and had to reenter them all into my email. Just thankful that I have them all back.

Jay got home for work and soom we packed up for Madz gymnastics. I don't think that there is a kid that is more excited to do something then she is for gymnastics. Pretty sure that I have mentioned before about how much work it is for me. But, the oy on her face is so worth every minute of it. She was able to do some new things tonight as well.

In mommy class today, we discussed how the most challenging time to parent our kids is, and this is proven stuff, just before their birthday and their half birthday. Their "building blocks" are built up and up. Then around that time the blocks are knocked down again. I pointed out how both of our kids are virtually born at the same time so we tend to go through those challenges at the same time. So far Madz is a pretty laid back, mellow kid so it hasn't been an issue.

Got something to eat, then came home for books and bed time. I am pretty tired this evening, so I will attempt to go to be a little earlier. The pictures of of my little one today. I had done a big load of laundry and it included all of her pants. I didn't get to dry them (I don't put their clothes in a dryer, I hang them to dry) before school, so I put her in a dress. So I had to take a picture. She looked so damn cute!

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

little gymnast

If I have said it once, I have said it a million times (and will probably say it a million more) this weather can just bring you down.

The girls and I had nothing on the calendar, and with the upcoming expenses for the walk, we were not to spend any funds. But, with the weather looking gloomy and so much talk about the piggy flu running rampant, we had to drag ourselves out the door to the gym.

After the gym, and a quick stop at the grocery store where we met briefly with Grandma Kim unexpectedly, we were home for lunch and play time. Emma made a birthday card for her American Idol friend and Madeline practiced her important scissor skills.

Nap time came early since Em's gymnastics on Wednesdays is pretty early. Upon the girls getting into bed, I was working on several different things that I have on my plate.

Jay got home early and we were able to get Em and Madz out the door for gymnastics on time.

Emma was like a whol new kid tonight. She tumbled like a star and worked those bars like no ones business. Ok, so she wasn't Mary Lou Reton, but it was amazing to see the things that she was suddenly able to do. Jay and I were both so proud. Not just cause she was able to do all of the advanced moves (and the only one in class that can do them), but proud because she paid attention and tried things even after she fell. She got back up and tried again! Awesome!

Home for a quiet dinner and quiet evening. The girls and I played gymnastics for a while, then Madz had play time with the cat (I wonder when he will realize if he doesn't want the attention to hide under the bed.)

I tried before to post a little video, but couldn't get it to work. These days Madeline is speaking in scentences. She says so may words and will put them all together. I am pretty amazed. I know that having an older sibling helps a lot.

I am ready for bed as well. This little lady needs her beauty rest - litterally and figurativly.

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Fancy clothes

Just another day in paradise. Nothing really new happening today. Emma brought her teddy bear that Auntie gave her to school. She had to show her teachers her bear's "ensemble". Who's kid is that?? Emma is VERY particular about her clothes and her shoes. Knowing that I spend the majority of my day in my workout clothes or my jeans and swetshirt, she isn't mine!

Before dinner and after dinner were all spent outside. The girls and I observed/supervised daddy in his demolition of the tree and burning of the branches. And we ran, climbed, swang and played.

After baths, we all sat down to play some board games.

Just before we read Madz her books, Emma gave her a tutorial through my container with all of my shot stuff in it. Generally we do the shot just after Madeline goes to bed just because it is less hectic. So we had the stuff out and I listened to Emma explain it all to Madeline. Very sweet and sad at the same time.

Hoping the weather will get warmer soon. I am out of "cold weather" clothes for the girls and Em refuses to wear a coat or sweatshirt. "That just isn't fancy enough". Kids!

Monday, April 27, 2009

yard work

By the time we got moving out the door, I knew my workout would be fairly short. But, we made it there none the less. Spent a little time on the treadmill, then we slide out the door to our next stop of Madeline's class.

Maddie hasn't been such a ham in class - just a little less goofy - but, she is even more outwordly loving. She has always been a very affectionate kid, just now she is such a funny little thing with big hugs for mommy and daddy.

After class we came home, ate lunch and had a few discussions about how to help clean up toys when we are done playing with them. Also, talked on the phone with Auntie Ash about life and learning. It ended up being a somewhat brief conversation.

Naptime brought about some phone calls and getting some other details together for some different things I have going on. And Jay came home early enough to be here for when the girls woke up. We ran to the store and had a yummy taco dinner.

I have realized that dinner time around the table is just so much fun. The statistics must be right when they say that families who eat together are stronger. We just have so much fun. I don't remember exactly what was said (damn MS brain) but, the girls were just hilarious. At one point Jay turned to me and asked if he was really watching this or if he was on a diferent planet. So many laughs.

The rest of the night we hung out outside. A bit chilly for my bones, but it doesn't get much better so we had to take advantage. We watched Jay cut down a tree in the backyard and mow the lawn. We came in to get ready for bed and I was trying to have a phone conversation. Madz just sat at the window watching Jay finish the lawn shouting "daddy, daddy". Think of "Steeeelllllaaa, Sttttelllllllaaaa". She was so pathetic, but so very sweet.

I was short new batteries in the camera, so I do not have proof that Jay did all of this work. But, he did! I am sure that I will be hearing about it tonight when he is asking for a backrub!

Sunday, April 26, 2009

rainy days

I sit upstairs typing this as I can hear the faint sounds of Jay negotiating with Emma about which pajamas to wear - "too hot", "too cold", "too itchy", "don't like them," - blah, blah, blah.

A day of lots of rain and indoor activities. We got to do lots of activites sine Madeline woke up at 6:20 this morning yelling at her door that she was "awake now"! So we sat and rested for a little bit on the couch then started playing with puzzles and all sorts of fun stuff when Emma got up about a half hour later.

Church was wonderful this morning. There was a very large choir (about 100 college kids) from Luther College in Iowa that were visiting. They did virtually all of the music and singing and it was AWESOME. It was phenominal listenting to them.

We broke from tradition today and stopped at the store for some pizzas for lunch and home to do some playing. Nap time came and everyone indulged. When I got up, Jay was off running an errand. Emma and I got up to play quietly before Madeline woke up.

Emma was, sadly enough, so excited that it was raining out because that meant that I would let her watch Seasme Street after naps (we don't do tv on the nice days - there are so few of them that we have to take advantage of them).

Jay cooked up a delicious roast for dinner - the girls performed their own little dance party at the table when they were done eating. Complete with their own songs and lovely dancing on the chairs. Then a quick bath and we reconveined downstairs to watch an episdoe of "penguins of Madagascar" - it is a cartoon of the penguins from the movie "Madagascar". It is really very, very funny. After an ice cream treat, a shot for me and bedtime for all.

Madeline's last class tomorrow until I can get her signed up for another one - which I hope to do. I have lots of follow up and some planning to do for the walk on Sunday. We have a small group coming, but it will be a lot of fun! Not to mention knowing that the group coming is there to support me and our quest to make the world free of MS. That is something that we can all be happy about helping with.

Saturday, April 25, 2009

lots of buns

Jay got up early this morning - yes, even on a Saturday there is something that will get him out of bed - to head out for a freezing cold 18 holes of golf. The girls and I passed the time doing nothing too exciting, just playing, reading, playing . . . Jay got home in time to give kisses before nap time.

Some photos from our "bun fight" at dinner time. It is always nice to find a way to keep the kids entertained and laughing! Grandma Kim and Grandpa Don stopped over to visit for a while.
Finally it was bedtime for the girls. It has been a very long couple of weeks . . .

Friday, April 24, 2009

Such a nice mellow day with beautiful weather - for the most part. We had nothing planned today. That hasn't happened for at least the past two weeks. We went to the gym for a little bit then the rest of the day was play, play, play - all outside. I also got another cleaning up of my garden done and some time to survey the plants.

Near dinner time the weather changed and got pretty darn chilly, so we came in. But, it ws bath night so we were able to pass the night with that.

Maddie was so tired. I think that she is going through a growth spurt that also includes getting in the last two of her last molars. She doesn't sleep in any later in the morning, but she sure wants to sleep in the day.

Emma was ready for bed. One of the books we read talked about having tickle torture before bed. So, of course, Jay ad I had to oblige the child. And tickle torture we did. She probably almost peed her pants. Then we were all laughing so hard because Jay thought Em looked green like she was going to throw up. . . Probably had to be there.

Each night when I sit down to write, I have to think back through the day. I write about what

stands out. Sometimes during the day, something will happen and I make a mental note to write about it in the evening. However, the small, funny things that make each day great start to run together because the kids bring out so many of them they tend to be hard to remember.... They are just so funny.

Thursday, April 23, 2009

Who has MS?

This morning before we left for school, Emma was asking about the T-shirts in the box on the ground. I told her that they were for the people that are participating in the MS walk.

She thought for a moment then asked "Who has MS?" I said "mommy does. That is why I have to do my shots and go to the Dr so much." With a somewhat solomn "oh" she said "let's go mommy"! And we were off to school.

School was nice, and it is almost the last day of "mommy class". For the last few weeks in May the kids go on Tuesday and Thursdays all by themselves. I will miss the mommy part of it, but I will also be a nice time to spend with just Madeline. After school we were invited over to a friends huse for lunch and some play.

We had a nice lunch and a wonderful playtime, lots of great meaningful conversation. Then on to home and nap time for two very tired little ones.

I spent my "nap time" doing some investivative work for the walk and setting up some of the details for my team. Madz woke up much sooner then I expected, so we went out to play.

By the time Jay got home, we had to get Madz ready for gymnastics. Thankfully the past couple of days Emma has actually been taking some well needed naps, so we had to wake her up before we left for gymnastics.

Maddie is a little maniac durig her lesson. She is so busy and on the go. I am pretty sure that I get as much excersize as she does.

Came home and played at "Park de la Viera" - our playground in the backyard (the best gift ever). In the time that the pizza was cooking Madeline fell off the ladder to the slide and got knocked down from a swinging Emma. Thankfully, after a few tears and lots of hugs she was good to go.

Ate pizza, played some more and put the girlies to bed. Shortly after Em went to bed she started to cry. She said that she wanted to help me with my shot (we had already done it after she went to bed). So we set up a fake shot and did it all over again, then back to bed for Em. Now to bed for us!

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

The girls and I prepped the house for a little friend who was coming to play this morning. He is a friend from Emma's school. He was coming a little early in the morning, so there was not time to go to the gym again! Haven't been there since last Wednesday (I think). I can feel my ass etting gooshier by the minute. But, things could be worse!

Our little friend arrived. We played at the park, ate a snack and played around our house. He has such fun with both of the girls. Emma was still emitting Elvira vibes, but they were muted by the presence of a friend.

After he left we went to the store for dinner thengs then home for a picnic and naps. Our friends mom gave an idea of getting a digital clock (already have it) and telling Em that she can rest/relax in bed until the first number on the clock turns to 3. Em was pretty receptive to the idea, and we gave it a shot. Of course she actually fell asleep for much longer so we couldn't really try it out. And Madz didn't sleep too much. I think that she is getting her last molars in so she doesn't get much sleep (hence the reason she was up at 6:30 this morning - Emma was too).

Ran off to Emma gymnastics, thn home for some grilling. Jay met us at home after a long day of driving.

After dinner I ran out for a quick walk, something to keep my body moving! Home for quck bath then out for more smores grilling. The girls just LOVE to be outside. And with the weather on the up and up, there is no doubt that we will be able to spend lots of time out there. Emma, my little fashionista, has been very concerned about having to add coats or unnecessary sweatshirts to her well planned ensambels. The nice weather of tomorrow has allotted her to plan an outfit without having to worry about the over-wear.

Tuesday, April 21, 2009


Maddie and I dropped Em off at school and headed down to the U for some preliminary testig needed for a research proget that I volunteered for. It is going to test if my body is producing antibodies that work against the Rebif drug that I am taking. Of course, I do not know or find out until the study is over in 2 YEARS! Or unless I decide to discontinue.

Anyway, made it down there. We were caught in the midst of a masive search throughout the building for some missing hispanic teenager. Not sure what that was all about but there was some mention of a baby and this girl hiding out.

After answering a bunch of questions and leaving them with lots of vials of blood, we were off to get Em from school. As I looked at my watch and then out my window to see that the traffic was slowing to a stop on 394, I went into panic. I was never going to make it to pick Emma up on time. I started to call everyone that I could think of. No one was answering their phones. I left a message for her teacher. Then called Jay as I knew that he was working right accross the street from school. He said that he couldn't leave. One of those times that I hate his job. No flexibility. As I got closer to the school I finally reached one of my girlfriends who said that they had Emma with them. The visions of a poor, pathetic girl standing on the corner waiting for her mom who "forgot" about her vanished.

Went to McD's for a birthday party for a good friend. Then home for naps. Realizing that I need to get used to Emma not napping. She was in her room for about 30 minutes. Truly no break in the day. This probably answers a lot of questions about why she is such a little crabby apple after lunch until bedtime. Her body is adjusting. As a friend of mine said when her daughter was transitioning out of naps, "that was the worst two months of her life". Awesome.

The girls got up, Jay got home and we went outside to play until dinner. Came in for a quick dinner time then out again. At some point during the evening Emma said something to the effect of "You can stop being my mommy now, I need a new one." She was pissed about something I said.

However, her sentinments changed very quickly when Jay surprised the girls with cooking smores outside. It wasn't long before Em was hugging my leg saying "I love you. You can stay my mommy for a while." Amazing what a little sugar will do.

On to bed for both. Acutally Emma fell asleep on Madz floor in the 5 minutes it takes to put her down. She is tired. We need to work on a new bedtime routine if there aren't going to be any naps.

Monday, April 20, 2009

Fabulous day!

Woke up at 6:45 to the sound of little feet tromping up the stairs. I crawled out of bed to find Emma sitting on the couch all dressed and ready for the day - ah, to be a kid! She wanted to go out for the day right then and there. I told her that I needed a little more time to wake up. Madz got up not long after that. We played and made our way downstairs for breakfast.

Jay rolled out of bed sometime after that. And true to form, when he has the day off - and since he get a chance to sleep longer then I do - he was rareing to go!

Got everyone piled in the car. We were off to the Children's Museum. However, just as Jay look at the grift certificate that we had been given, we found that they weren't open on Mondays. For the next 10 minutes we sat in the car staring at each other wondering what to do with Emma screaming at us that she wanted to go to the museum even if it wasn't open. Finally with a new destination in mind we were really off.

We made it to the Minnestoa Zoo! It wasn't very busy on a rainy Monday. We had a terrific time! What a great family day together! There were a lot of exhibits that were closed and we didn't get to anything outside. So we will have to come back this summer. What a nice relaxd day.

Came back home for naps. Madz had slept most of the way home in the car. That usually isn't a problem for her to then just go to sleep in her bed. But, today she only was in bed for about 10 minutes, then she was done with her nap. Emma was down in her room just playing around. And of course, Jay was sound asleep. I was so tired, but Maddie and I got up and read books and played around.

Jay mad ea great pasta dinner. We did a little family dancing in the kitchen before bathtime. Amazingly, for the first time in many months, if not years, the girls were in bed at their bedtime (9 for Em and 8:30 for Mad). Here I am almost done with this post and it is 9:20 - could I really be getting to bed before midnight!!

Sunday, April 19, 2009

Stinky little girl

I was a bit slow getting out of bed this morning since Emma got me up three times last night. I think one of the dirty little secrets of parenthood is that no one tells you that they start waking up in the middle of the night again when they are almost 4. And this isn't just Emma!

But I made it up and the girls came not long after. I started some cleaning and laundry. Around breakfast time Jay rolled out of bed, only to roll back in. I wasn't about to tiptoe around the house any more, so he would have to suffer through the vaccuming. The girls jumped in bed with him to watch some cartoons.

We made it to church on time and then to McD's for lunch. When we got home you could tell that the girls were feeling close to nap time as everyone was more on edge. However, I am not sure how much, if any, nappping Emma got done. Not long after Madz got up we packed up and headed to Grandpa Al and Grandma Nicki's house.

From about the moment we got in, I figured that Grandpa Al and Grandma Nicki's house and livlihood would bare most of the brunt of Emma's lack of sleep. She was, for lack of a better word, a little shit! (Just look at the photo of the girls together. This will give you a good idea of how the night was going to go.) She was terrible! She would put on a smile, then do something just nasty. Yuck! But, Jay was there to help out with some electronics stuff so we stuck it out. If we never get invited back again, I wouldn't be surprised. We took a walk and G. Al did some drawing and other fun things with the girls.

By the time we got out of there, the girls were being entertained by their new "singing" Hannah Montana pens that G. Al had as sales samples. Boy, those were a hit. Straight from the car to bed, with a pit stop for pajamas. Jay did a quick shot for me. As I look at the clock I find that it is way past my bedtime too!

Saturday, April 18, 2009

Just us girls

Jay has to work this weekend. So, it is all girls, all weekend. As much as I love the warm, sunny weather, I was kind of hoping for rain today. My list of things to do is long and many of them revolve around inside chores. But, with beautiful weather looming over us, we ventured out.

Crossed off some things on our list like: getting the car washed, stopping at the post office. But that is about it. By the time our visit with grandma Kim and Gradpa Don was over, it was time for naps. However, we fit in a little play time, yard work and closet organizing before hand.

Maddie didn't sleep very long and when she got up she was clingy and whiny. I am certain her "2 year old" molars are coming in fast and furious. The one has been in for a while, now I think the other three are working in at the same time.

Maddie and I went outside to play and I attempted to finish my yard clean up. Madz wasn't thrilled about me not holiding her. So I finall gave in to my pathetic little bean and cuddled with her in the chair. Jay came home and survyed my clean up work.

Chatted with the neighbor for a while. Then came in to start to prepare dinner. Jay and I had a "disagreement" about something pretty stupid. So I went to the bedroom to try to organize my own closet. Madeline came up to "help".

Had a GREAT dinner of steak, then a nice bath - the girls did, not me. Then to bed. I am so very tired, but I think that the bed is still covered with clothes, that means more work before bed. Another nice day.

Friday, April 17, 2009

Walking on Sunshine

Phenominal day! Wow! I wasn't sure if this stupid state still had it in her, or if it just gave up the fight to eve be warm again!

Got moving this morning to TRY and accomplish a couple of the things on my "to do" list. On our way out the door I grabbed some of my maternity clothes for a friend since I don't have a need for them right now. Then on to the gym to get the body moving. My already short workout was made even shorter by seeing Madeline out of the corner of my eye making a break from the kids room to the door - obviously the new girl in the kids room doesn't quite have everything down pat yet.

I needed to get moving to our next destination anyway. So we swung in to the phone booth - do they even have those anymore? - it actually was the changing room, but we were moving so quickly it felt like it should have been something with more mystique.

We went to Madeline's school for a meeting. I was asked to come to perhaps be a part of a committee that would help to try to "save" the early childhood programs that our state is so lucky to have. That is the description in a nutshell. The meeting was good and there are a lot of good ideas floating around the room. It will be interesting to see how it all plays out. There were a lot of people who had grandios ideas and certainly weren't aware of the follow through.

Home for a nice picnic and some playing and naps. Again, I abandonded all ideas of having a clean house in favor of spending time outside and some mental organiztion. It was lovely. Jay got home early and the girls were excited to see them when they woke up.

Friends cam over for a pizza "picnic" and some fun. I took Madz for a walk then we met up with the rest of the group for some outside playing. Then home for bedtime.

Had a legnthy talk with my Aunt about the future. Something that I knew way little too much about and can identify with all too well. The future is something that we all need to face is coming weather we like it or not and how we look at it makes all the difference in the world.

Thursday, April 16, 2009

Damn computer

Jay is about to ban me from using the computer. I always seem to be the on eon it when things go awry. This morning I was going to email Jay some pictures of the girls that he could get at work when I quickly found that some company had hijacked my email account again adn was sending out emails saying that they were from me. I was on the hunt. Only so much could be done before school and I soon larned that this time they had wiped out my whole contact list so I no longer had anyones email address to write and apology letter to. This technology ting can sometimes be very frustrating.

After a good day at school and a very nice playdate at a friends who is soo going to have a baby, we came home for naps and I was back to trying to figure out my email situation again. The company is from China and thier phone nuber doesn't jive with a United States number or an internatinal one. Not to mention, I would need to brush up on my Chinese - or just learn ANY - before I spoke with them anyway. So next step was calling Micorsoft directly (they handle my internet email system). But, they said since I have a "free" account they would have to handle this through their email support system. Since this is not the first time this has happened and I haven't received a response from the wonderful spport team at Microsoft yet, I don't have much confidence.

I calld it a day after an hour of getting transferred around. We got ready for Maddie's gymnastics and were off.

Home for a nice non-homemade meal and bath time. Everyone to bed for a late bedtime. I had a shot in the leg, now I am ready for bed.

Will have to work on details for my MS team tomorrow. It is getting close to time and I want to make sure that I get all of my troops the right information for the day that we present our donations. It will be such a nice day to give money to something that I am obviously very close to and to, hopefully, see it pay off sometime down the road.

Wednesday, April 15, 2009


Ok, I am typing very slowly and as quietly as possible - can you actually type more quietly? I have the computer in bed and Jay is already asleep. I am expecting any moment for him to wake up and ask me when I am going to put the damn computer away.

Today, one of Emma's friends came over to play for a while. I have been wanting a way to "pay back" her grandma for always being the first one to volunteer to watch my girls when need be. So we had a playmate today. It was a lot of fun. All three girls played and played. We took a trip to the park for an hour then back home for a picnic in the front yard, then on to the backyard for more play. Before we knew it, our little friend was getting picked up.

The girls layed down for an early nap. I spent that time taking pictures of my sister to perhaps use for exploring a some modeling ventures. The girls got up and had to get Em ready for gymnastics right away.

Jay got home about 7 minutes before we had to leave, but he made it and that is what counts - especially to Emma.

An awesome grilled dinner, then the girls and I took a walk. Actually it was going to be all us girls, but Emma decided to ride her bike with daddy. So Madz and I ventured out. We met a bike riding maniac named Emma on our way back.

Time for bed for the girlies. Jay and I watched a back episode of one of our shows on the computer in bed - Friday Night Lights. So now here I am. I cannot believe that I have made it through the entire post without Jay saying a word. This is the same guy who couldn't sleep 5 minutes with one of the girls in bassinets with us when they were babies cause they made too much noise . . I think he has had a draining week. I am just extatic that the weather is so wondeful. I actually like this state again - if only for a few months.

Tuesday, April 14, 2009


What a terrific day! It certainly helps that when we stepped out of the house at 9:00am, it was warm enough to not wear a jacket. Amazing how everyones total attitude - especially mine - changes when the weather improves.

Off to school and the gym for a wonderful workout. Home for a picnic lunch out in the front yard made complete by visit from Super Mary and her lovely small companion.
We came in for naps. I was goin got get some things done during naptime, but I just couldn't stand to be inside the house. So I pulled out a deck chair and dug up a couple of things I have been meaning to read and just enjoyed myself. My tremendusly enjoyable nap time was only interrupted by a gentleman ringing the doorbell trying to sell me magazines or whatever. He was offended when I blew him off right away, but we have these sales people come around every week and it gets old. Especially since they always seem to ring the bell right at nap time.
When the girls got up, we went in the back for some playtime. So much fun to have so much to do without doing anything!! The girls like to dig, swing, slide, pretend - anything, we just enjoy being outside. The tv is never on (except for the small amount of time in the morning when I have to get my news updates from Matt). Love that!
Another fabulous meal from the grill and more play outside. I took the girls for a walk tonight. It was so much fun! Madeline just sat in the stroller, kind of tired out from all of the fun. Emma walked beside me the whole time. She would push the stroller, then just walk. We had a great time! We talked and she told me stories. A terrific time. We stopped for quite sometime to talk with a neighbor down the street. I ended up telling her about my "condition" - I have received a couple of mailings lately that talk about having a "condition". The wording is somewhat humorous, so I will use it from time to time.
I am tired out from all of the outside time. But, can't wait to do it all again tomorrow!!

Monday, April 13, 2009

The museum

Made a quick pit stop into the gym this morning. Would have been able to have a nice workout with Grandma Kim and Super Mary there. But, there wasn't enough time since I had to go to the store to provide snacks for class.

On to Madeline's class. I received a couple of comments aobut how busy Maz is. She is like a little lightening bolt running here and there. She just cracks me up!

Gathered up my other little babe and came home to work on a littl cleaning and playing. Then naps for the girls. I tried to continue my cleaning and got some other thigs done. I had to sit my butt down at 4pm to watch Oprah. Something I do not usually do. Today my friend was on the Oprah show. They were talking about amazing fathers. Matt certainly is that and then some. Check out his blog with the link on the left of my page.

Not too long after the show started, Madeline woke up. She slept a little over an hour - must be going through something, teeth I think. Maddie and I went outside to play and play and swing and slide and play. Oh how great it is to play outside.

Jay got home to do some more work on the waterfall and Emma finiallydecided to get out of bed - I think that she is also going through a growth spurt. The girls and I played for a while longer outside. It is so fun to watch them just interactig with one another, playing, talking and pretending.

While Jay was preparing dinner, Emma decided to get into the paints (she usually never gets into all of the messy stuff without asking. It isn't the mess that I care about so much, as that is not important in life. It is more the clean up of all the other crap that ends up on the floor). Anyway, I told her that we needed to clean it up since dinner was almost ready. She got really ticked off and started shouting "I am trying to create a painting for a museum. How am I supposed to do a frickin painting for the museum if I have to put them away?"

We enjoyed an awesome grilled out dinner before baths and bedtime. Ahhh, clean sheets!

Sunday, April 12, 2009


A great way to start the day - childhood anticipation of the excitment ahead. Emma and then therefore Madeline were so excited to see that the Easter bunny had been digging through their colored eggs.

So we were off to find what great things he had left. They didn't even want to wait for Jay to wake up. They found their little "nests" of goodies. They were so excited!

The mad rush was on to get out the door to church. We arrived right on time, but the 1000+ other people who decided that this was the one day they should come were a bit earlier then we were. We sat in the overflow area - a good pastor and goergous flowers.

Then on to Grandma Kim and Grandpa Don's for the rest of the day. We started with the highly anticipated egg hunt. I held my own this year. The kids (thankfully) had their own little hunt just for them. It protects them from the pushing, shoving, scratching and biting that has taken place in the past adult egg hunt. Watching them hunt for the eggs is just so, so sweet.

Then we came in to eat. Certain we all ate too much of yummy food, then on to the park for kite flying and play time. Then on to relax and watch a little golf.

Took out some more food, munched. Rounded out the evening by watching Marley and Me. A great movie. Lots of real life and things to remember. Made it home around 9:15. Past everyones bedtime.

A great day! Wish this weekend could have lasted another few days!

Saturday, April 11, 2009

Beautiful days

I have been grotesquely (sp?) tardy on my posts here. I am sure that you are all just sitting there baited breath waiting to see what I have been doing with my exciting life. Well, wait no more, here I am!!

Yesterday was lots of running around. A highlight during the day was spending time with my lovely friend who just had a beautiful bundle of joy not too long ago. We enjoyed lots of nice time together and the kiddos played.

The evening brought about the other highlight of the day. Jay and I got together with some other friends for a very casual, low key night together. One friend is starting out on a new life and is traversing through the legal system. Wow, that is a complex deal. I guess when the other person that you are dealing with is a . . . never mind. I know that this is my blog and will say what I wish. But, in this case, until the legal crap is over I will save my words.

This morning, we all got up, put on our grubby clothes - Emma was a little less grubby. She always must dress her best and be fancy - that is what she says. Ran to the home improvements store for a very small amount of home improvement - just some wood chips and a rake. The rest of the day was spent primping the outside of the house for spring.

It was awesome ucovering the garden from it's den of dead leaves to reveal so many things popping up and showing themselves. I will post pictures of that tomorrow.

Dinner was our first official grill out. Burgers and brats - a staple in our house in the warm weather!

What a terrific day. No plans, no one expecting us anywhere at anytime. And lots of outside time. Just great!

Thursday, April 9, 2009

Busy days

Yesterday we spent a good portion of the day having a playdate with some dear friends. Emma, her granddaughter and another friend just love to play. My friend did a fun craft - she is a Martha Stewart in disguise.

After naps we headed out to Emma's new gymnastics class. She was a little spunky. But, we suggested that next week she try to concentrate more and less on what everyone else is doing. We got home and ordered pizza.

This morning was school. Always a great day. We talked in class about discipline and threats. So many people had so much to say. It is amazing how when you start talking about 3 1/2 - 4 year olds and misbehaving the conversations could go on for hours. Today, after something ver serious I am sure, Emma was angry at me. She said, "Mom, I just need to take a trip away from you for a while."

After school we came home and made some yummy rice krispie bars. The girls decorated the heck out of them. Then we went and played out back on the swingset. Oh, that was awesome! First time this year. We swang and went down the slide. We also went to the garden to check out the items that are starting to peek out. Wow, there is a lot of work to be dine in the backyard.

Came in for naps. I had lots of coorospondence to do on the computer and some cleaning of the kitchen. I finially forced myself to sit down and write a short speech for the school board meeting tonight.

I struggled through writing all of the things that I needed to get down. Jay and I were asked to talk at the board meeting to represet families that take classes with their kids in efforts to sway the board to keep those programs.

We headed off to the meeting. My speech went ok. Of course I veared off of my speach and I think my words turned to crap, but hoping that I got my point across. The girls were terific nd Jay did a nice job as well.

Came home, played, ate dinner and Jay had to give Madeline her own special bath after she decied to eat an ink pad.

After the bath - we aren't sure why we decided to do it after the bath - we colored Easter eggs. That is so much fun. Madeline ended up just as colorful after coloring eggs as she was earlier. And Emma was as precise as always when it came to getting the perfect color on her eggs.

Emergency clean up on the Oak table and the floor so that they would not be tyedyed, then on to bed for the little one. Right now Emma is aslep on the couch waitin for me to put her to bed.

Earlier today I got a strong pain in my calf. I have had this pain once before. Before I was diagosed with MS. So I am not sure if it is related or not. If it continues to tomorrow, I will have to call the Dr office to see what they want me to do. Ugh, let's just hope it goes away. But, it is painful and makes it difficult to walk a bit. Oh well, so be it! Things could be worse.

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Water lovin'

Kind of a long day - bedtime for the girls couldn't come early enough. So I will just leave you with this picture. Madeline is quite the lover of water - she is going to be a little maniac this summer! She wanted to get in the sink. And is plaing with a plastic margarita glass. We call this "Kiddie Cocktail" or "Maddie-tini".

Monday, April 6, 2009

My babes

Emma took this self portrait when I was getting dressed. She was very proud.

Had such good intentions of helping my ass become a smaller being today. But by the time I got out the door, the goals had to become a little more realistic and really just looking forward to working toward my goal of getting to the gym 12 times this month. Oh well. Mary joined me for the shortest workout on record. And got caught up on an old friend who is fighting to find himself. On to Madeline's class for singing and some fun.

Swung into the grocery store then home for lunch and picking up. My cleaning got derailed by some phone calls and catching up with a friend and how she is feeling with her life being turned upside down by the one person who was supposed to stick by her always. People never cease to amaze me. I also called my MS nurse, Denise, back. She said that I would have to redo my blood test that I had done last week because my hemglobin was a bit low. Not too low, just enough that they want me to get rechecked in a month. Thankfully I get to go and see someone other then the hack that had her way with my vein last time.

After naps everyone woke in a little bit better mood then an hour and a half previously. I cooked up dinner and we all sat down before I had to go to a board meeting. Jay and the girls were off to Costco to get some of their yummy fruit. I got to go and discuss adult stuff that will hopefully help our youngsters sontinue with the good education that they deserve.

Home in time for stories and bed time. We enjoyed lots of laughs, hugs and kisses before off to dreamland.