This is going to be short and sweet. I need to hit the sack early. We have a big weekend coming up filled with 3 parties for little ones, 1 gathering for a friend with a cause and a few other things to get done in between.
Today was a Dr appointment day with my neurologist. Because the girls put on their best "show" - and I am not talking about a cutsey little show, a crazed and loud performance by two little girls - last appointment, I swore that I would not bring them next time. So, since my optins for care for the girls during the day is slim, Jay took the afternoon off to spend with them and I could go "freely" to my appointment.
At the appointment I was there for a regular MS check up as well as follow up for the research project that I volunteered for. I had a chance to talk with my Dr. about some questions, the future and other myths/ideals that people have had about care for MS people. He is a very sweet man and is so smart and well spoken that he doesn't leave much question in your mind. I had to laugh. When he first walked into the room, he said "where are your girls today?" I chuckled and asked if he was kidding. He thought they were "charming". He is from New Zealand. Perhaps "charming" has a different meaing there.
After the check up with the Dr. I spent some time talking with the gal in the research dept. She always has to ask me a bunch of questions and strip me of lots of blood. We got into the ethical debate of if the government is really interested in finding a cure for diseases becaus there is so much money to be made within d
rug companies and with the diseases. Keep peole sick and you keep lots of companies in business making lots and LOTS of money. Interesting conversation and one that if ever given the chance (and if I had enough guts - yes, me questioning if I had enough guts) I would love to question those high, high up in office. Doesn't matter your political affiliation, just some intersting points.
Had dinner wih Jay's parents tonight then home for stories and bed. Now it is my turn!
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