It has been a couple of days since I have been on. I have been occupied, I am sure that Jay would say "pre-occupied" with a couple of projects that are in the works. Thankfully one portion of the project will be completed tomorrow. Then we will just have to see who will have any reaction to it....
Jay said that he doesn't think that people really care too much about what I write becuause I haven't been focusing on my MS enough. Well, being that I am the one with the MS, I would have to say that is a good thing. If I don't focus on it a whole bunch, that probably means that things are going ok. This next week, I think, my Dr should be calling with information about my blood tests and if we should be doing any changes to my drugs. It should be interesting to learn what the results are.
This was a nice weekend. Friday night we held the highly regarded schmorgasboard at our house with our friends. The theme was "Hawaiian Luau". So much fun with such great friends. For the most part all of the kiddos entertained themselves with the toys and we actually got in a bit of adult conversation.
Saturday Jay got to get in a round of golf and the girls and I ran some errands. After naps, Madeline got picked up for her sleep over at Grandma Kim and Grandpa Don's. She was very excited. It is a good way for them to be comfortable by themselves and sleeping elsewhere. Although I understand that there wasn't much sleping that was done. Madz isn't used to sleeping in a regular bed without the security of the bars and in a new place. So Grandma Kim became a slumber partner for her.
Emma, Jay and I hung out at home, played outside and made a special run to Dairy Queen. A couple of times we asked Emma if she missed Madeline, "no" was generally her answer. The girls are never apart, and usually ever apart from me. So it was interesting to see how they each were.
On Sunday, my internal alarm clock went off at 7am - as always. I got up and found that Emma was sitting quietly on the couch playing (that is one huge difference in having Emma wake up in the morning vs Madeline). The first thing she asked me was "when do we get to pick up Madeline" We played and cleaned and woke Jay up at 9am, just enough time to get ready for church.
Before naps, Grandma and Grandpa dropped off Madz. Funny how after a few tender moments, they were back to fighting and arguing again. Ahhh, the sweet sound of children! The neighbor brought over a large box that he had cut holes into so that the girls could use it as a playhouse. That was a big hit of the day.
Usually, no matter how tired she is, Madeline will only sleep for 1 1/2 hours for nap. Sure enough, today was no different. But, she had a great time playing with Jay with some airplane toys. I woke Emma up ot long before the OTHER grandma and grandpa came to pick the girls up for dinner. I don't get much
time without them, then of course when I do, it comes all in one weekend! Take it when you can get it!
Jay made a terrific pasta dinner and we enjoyed in a quiet house - except for the neighbor putting in hardwood floors and his air compressor constatly regenerating. But, it was nice. Soon after the girls were home. Very obvious that it was time for everyone to go to sleep. We played a little boad game and off to bed! Now, for me too!
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