I have a project that I have been so immersed in for the past few days and again it took up most of my day today. It is something that I am so happy to do, but I haven't encountered this before so my course of action is new. A friend of mine was turned down from a job that for so many reasons is one that she should have gotten. Now, I have been given/accepted/wanted to take on corospondence with those that were doing the hiring. So today I submitted my first "Letter to the editor" that I have ever written to four local newspapers and set up my plan of attack for some other things . . . It is taking on the "old boys club" mentality that comes long with school districts sometimes. Love it!
I answered a bunch of questions from a nice lady that stopped to look at the "free" grill that we had put out. She was very kind and her kids were sweet. But, in the back of my head I was thinking "you are asking all of these questions about a free grill. Just take the damn thing!" She did.
The weather was terrible today! It was so cold (mid 60's - to me that is awful) that after nap, I broke my own "rule" of no tv unless it is raining or snowing outside. I let the girls watch Seasme Street instead of playing outside. We tried, but after putting on long pants and sweatshirts and we were still cool, I gave in.
Madz started moving a bit slower and she was feeling warm - Emma had that last week. Let's hope it passes by tomorrow. We have lots of stuff going on.
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