I rushed home from what I thought would be quick meeting that turned into an hour and a half one, I came to find the girls playing very happily with Barry our neighbor and my savior for the day! The girls had a great time and I know he did to.
The day was crappy - weather wise. So we took this time to do some crafts and hang out enjoying the calmness. I felt such a relief to be with the girls and just a huge load off my shoulders to be done with the meeting. The girls and I did some Shrinky Dinks - yeah, that was great!! I haven't done those since I was a kid and I still get a kick out of watching them shrivel and shrink - and Emma wanted to make dinosaur pictures.
This morning both of the girls packed up to go to the zoo with Grandma Kim and Grandpa Don. With Jay working and both kids gone I wanted to utilize my time to do something enjoyable for myself. I went to the Aeroboretum. A beautiful garden area not far from the house but one I rarely go to. Our church was holding a womens prayer and meditation walk there. I met a group of women, we chatted fo
r a bit then were given some bible verses with questions and thoughts to ponder along the walk in the gardens.
I walked along by myself for two hours. I really didn't want to walk with anyone, just enjoy the time alone. I took lots of pictures and did some praying and "meditating". Quite frankly I have never meditated before so I am not sure that is exactly what I was doing, but it was very enjoyable.
When I got home I felt truly refreshed and ready to get to work. I stated to tackle the office. We are going to be turning it into Madeline's room. We need to clean it, put new flooring down, new windows.... Ugh, I could go on. But, anyway, I started to make a dent. That was great!
Grandma and Grandpa brought Madz home as Emma was going to spend the night at their house. Maddie and I played for a little bit then she layed down for a nap. I went back to work on the office.
The rest of the night was pretty relaxing. Jay got home from work we putzed around the house, Madeline helped me to plant a clematis and we swung in the hammock. I am pretty certain that Madeline asked where Emma was no less then 500 times. As much as they fight, they have such a great love for each other.
I think I am going to go to bed now!
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