Today Jay had the whole day off (I have to say that we have been so busy lately that I would love to have a chance to take a long weekend or a nice trip with just the 4 of us and not have anything planned. But, we haven't won the lottery so we will just have to dream. Plus winter will be here soon enough so we will all be stuck in our house for 8 months together). We went to library story time together, then lunch and them blowing up the new pool that we got since our other blow up pool met a sad fate with the sharp edge of a trailer. We played water games for a while, then nap time.
This evening was T-Ball. A little smoother this time since the kiddos are starting to get to know me and the way things work. It is a good lesson in reminding us that Emma is a normal 4 year old. They all have pretty poor listening skills. Comes with the territory! Emma had Grandma Kim and Grandpa Don, Auntie and Grandpa Jim and Grandma Cheryl all there watching her!
The rest of the evening was out playing and chatting with th neighbors. I believe that I must find a way to get back into my workout routine. I haven't done much if any working out lately. Also have to call my neurologist office to find out results of my lab tests. Need to see if we are going to do any changes to my meds in the future . . .
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