Holy cow! I have 23 emails in my in box - all that have to be responded to (so if any of you are waiting for a response, my goal tomorrow is to get that cleared up), thank you notes to write for the girls birthday as well as thank yous to write for the MS walk. Yeah, yeah, yeah that was at the beginning of May. But, holy shit, things have gotten busy.
Received an email back from the superintendent of the schools today in response to the letter that we sent to him and others. Clearly they don't think outside the box and are people that are stuck in the office and not in touch with the people. Hopefully we can meet with he and others one on one to clarify some issues.
My brain is just fried today - and that has nothing to do with the lesions! So much to think about and so much to get done. We had T Ball practice tonight. It was far better then last week in some instances, but in others it was even crazier. We have suh a sweet group of kiddos. But, trying to wrangle 10 4 year olds at the same time is a little crazy! The kiddos did well and we dd have some fun!
The girls were a real challenge today. Fighting was top of their list ALL DAY LONG! So that is all I have in me today. I must get to bed!
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