Tonight was a party for one of the girls little friends. It was at a local club with a kids pool. We all got in and splashed around. Most of the photos that I got were of Madeline. She is a little fish and doesn't mind getting water in the eyes - she is always out to have more fun (might be a little worrysome when she gets to be 15 or so). Emma loves the water, but she is a little more "girlie" about it. Generally doesn't like to get it in her face and does her own splashing.
It was a nice small party. One of the couples there had three small kids. For some reason, a couple of time
s, I found myself wondering about what kinds of things they have to worry about. They have a sweet little, growing family and all seems well. Did we look like that? I suppose so from the outside and mostly from the inside as well. We are a happy little family with dreams and hopes and things that we don't want to give up on because of my disease or because of the strain it hs caused in our lives.....
Must work on a babysitter for an event that we hope to go to on Sunday!
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