Although I think, with my hatred of winter and cold, that these feelings tend to be more prevelent this time of the year. I think that I need to do something with my face - facial, micro derm abrasion, etc, everything about our house is a train wreck -we have talked about how we would love to move to another house, but I am sure that could never happen until we are about 100. We could maybe just stand for a total redo
of any organization that we have, I don't need any more clothes - I live most of my life in jeans and Jay's work sweatshirts and we usually don't go out anywhere except to places we all enjoy as a family (i.e McDonalds, etc) so I have no need to fill my already overstuffed closet. Ugh, I think that the weather outside is frightful and it reminds you of all that needs fixing inside.
On weekends when Jay has to work he is on call on Sundays. Some genius at a gas station on Plymouth needed some hose fixed that had miraculously broken when his wash was run in this weather. So Jay was off this morning early to save the day. The girls and I did a little painting and make some more Christmas treats. Bugels dipped in amond bark with an M&M on top. This project was more my style. Thanks to grandma Kim for providing us all of the stuff needed. We didn't screw this one up.
Jay got home and we headed out to make another dent in our Christmas list. Because we cannot spend much on each person, we are plowing through fairly quickly. But, we still have more to do. The girls were both pretty squirrly all day which proved to make things more difficult. Which brough tme to a note to self: DO NOT ever bring kids to the General Store in Minnetoka again. A kids heaven, a parents nightmare.
Home from the morning activities and on to naps. Jay relaxed downstairs and I finished a book that I have been reading.
The girls got up and we headed out to Target and Byerlys. Grandpa Bob has specifically asked for ONE jar of pickled mushrooms. Love those kinds of requests. Grandpa finished in one fell swoop.
We ate dinner and tried to calm the girls down with a bath. Madz was out like a light when she hit her bed. I think that the only thing to get Emma to settle was sleep and she promtly fell asleep while we were reading her books. Jay and I just sat and watched her for quite sometime. Sleeping beauty. Off to try and visit with Santa tomorrow. Wish us luck!!
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