I have a reoccuring meeting every morning with my new favorite, Mr. Eliptical Machine. A former foe of mine. It has come to be a true alli in my fight against the cottage cheese in my ass. The girls spent some time in the kids room. I still hate dropping them off in there because of my issues with strangers watching them. But, I have found Ms. Miller, the kind woman caring for the kids is very trustworthy. And with 6 kids of her own, she is more then capable to handeling my little angels (as you can surmise Elvira has currently left the building). Then we were off to our playdate.
We caught up, late of course, with Jane, her granddaughter Mia, Liz and her girls, Lydia and Lily at the "germ pit" in
the Eden Prairie Mall. I am not usually at all bothered by all the creepy crawlies that harbor in that place, but knowing that we were leaving for out of town, I was relying on the power of Purell to keep the kids healthy. We had a very active lunch in the food court. Then on our seperate ways. The girls and I swung into Old Navy to look for a pair of jeans for me.
I have a couple of "must haves" when shopping for jeans; 1. Must be cheap. I will not pay more then a cheap dinner out for them. 2. I will not try on more then three pair. If the first three do not fit, I am not buying. 3. They must fit low enough on my waist to accentuate my small waist, but not low enough to show off any grannie panties that I am wearing. You might think that I must never find jeans. However, with all of those rules, I do not set myself up for failure. I just simply do not shop for them - almost ever.
With a short vacation in my future and one pair of jeans with a hole in the crotch and the other with a hole in the knee, it was a necessary evil. Thankfully, with two kids ready for a nap, the perfect pair arrived on the second try. I ran through the store making sure not to look too closely at the kids department. I just love their clothes for the girls. And I was out the door with new jeans and I couldn't have had dinner at Buffalo Wild Wings for less.
Spent the girls nap time arguing with the computers. Yes, both of them. Our laptop has just given up on life and the desktop (which I am on right now) couldn't keep up with my rapid typing pace. Ugh, had to wait for Jay to get home to figure this one out.
Next were the phone calls. I have been given the appointment of the person to arrange the last minute 15 year reunion for the proud graduating 1993 class of Minnetonka High School. Jay thinks that I am crazy for taking this on especially since our plates are pretty full. But, because the suggestion of this reunion came so late, there are not a lot of expectations for it to be filled with fireworks or amazing acrobats or anything. I think that I have found a place that will accomodate our group. Cross our fingers that it will work out.
When Jay got home he got to work fixing the computers. We layed the laptop to rest and got this ancient relic up and running. The girls and I got out their suitcases. They had fun starting to pack up their own special suitcase with their things for the upcoming weekend.
I spend about an hour catching up on emails for the reunion and some phone calls and Jay was packing - no not to move out, just for the vacation. I will let him stay. . . Emma and Jay turned on hip-hop music to deafening levels and danced their hearts out and Madeline and I made an attempt to organize our crap room, aka bedroom. Then it was bath time and bedtime for two very tired little beans. Emma fell asleep while reading her books and there was no waking her up. Sleep well little babes!
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