We packed up and made it to the gym just as Mary was leaving. I knew that we were late. That was ok. Touched base with Mary about the invitation to our the New Years Eve party at my moms tonight.
I tried out a new one today - the arch nemisis of Mr Eliptical - Senor Stairmaster! I know that when I was younger I could do this for several hundred floors without breaking a sweat.
However, after 20 minutes today I was a soaking wet pig. I have never been one to "glisten". Finished up on the rest of my bod.
Went to the store to obtain the items needed for our offering at the gathering tonight - Buffalo Deviled Eggs. A devine item. Went home for lunch, more playing - Madeline on drums and Emma providing the Irish Step Dancing - and some naps. Back to 3+ hours of napping for Em. Ahhh.
Daddy came home and we dressed for our evening out at Grandma and Grandpas. And now I am finding something to wear. I am certain that I will not be writing any more this evening. Jay is on call tomorrow, but we are hoping that the unpredictable Minnesota weather will keep him home.
A wonderful year full up some frustrations, some sadness, but most of all hope, love and laughter. I am so very lucky to have Jay, Emma and Madeline. As well as the rest of my family. We might not "have much", but we sure do have a lot to be thankful for!
Thank you to those of you who read this out of love and care for us. As well as those of you who may have stumbled upon us. We appreciate it and hope that our lives will keep you entertained and laughing throughout 2009!
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