I think that Jay hit his point today. It is somewhere between a boiling and overload point. I am not sure which.

Through the many years that we have been together the holidays have grown on him as something of a joy and something to look forward to. But, this year as we have run out of money for gifts, with Jay's brother and wife to buy for and some sort of grocery items to purchse for each Christmas celebration we go to and our phone didn't stop ringing for more then 15 minutes throughout the day with various persons calling about some food item, time of arrival or some other pieces of information that we should not even have knowledge of. It did get to be too much.
But, with a swift talking to and a "snap out of it" from me, I think that we are back on track. We are going to work on editing out much of the conversations and demands on us and remember how lucky we are to have our little family on these very special holiday.
We hoped up this morning to make sure that our trek to see the mall Santa would be successful. We got there and walked right up with only one family ahead of us. Madeline was so excited to see "Santa, Santa, Santa" and you could almost cut the anxiousness from Emma with a knife.
It all changed when we got up to see the jolly old elf. Madeline stopped about 3 feet from St. Nick and Emma was trying to talk Madz into sitting on his lap. Madeline started to scream and Emma forgot the one thing that she was asking for from him this Christmas - a jack-in-the-box.
I had to do the talking and persuade Maddie to sit on his lap - ok, persuade is a strong word. I really just threw her on his lap, screaming and flailing and Emma sitting pretty on a chair next to him. It is a great picture. If the phot CD wasn't all the way downstairs, I would po
st on here.
Made a couple of other stuff to virtually finish up our shopping, thank goodness, the funds have run out. I hear that the government is handing out bailouts . . .
The kids took a nap, Jay took a nap and I enjoyed the silence.
After a dinner of Hamberger Helper we headed out to Super Mary's house for her birthday celebration. So much fun to be with them! It was great, a wonderful get together.
Home with two very tired little babes. We are off to see Dr. Parry tomorrow. We will be reviewing the MRI and the future. Could be a very short appointment or a very long one. Either way, because of the MRI results, it should be a good one! And I am hoping one of the last ones for a while.
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