My little Madz slept in. I would say for beauty rest, but she couldn't get more beautiful! Anyway, we had to quickly get her fed. My quest for time this morning was derailed with Emma's tantrum because she couldn't wear her princess dress. Yes, I certainly could have sent her to school with it on. And I was about to. However, because she has been wearing this thing about 14 out of the 24 hours in the day it was pretty filthy. And it is so very poofy that it would bring more distraction in the classroom then peace within our home.
So, throwing the kids in the car at break neck pace and racing to school. Only to arrive 4 minutes late. Today is the day that we set up to bring in the money and items collected for the woman in class that doesn't have money to buy gifts. One of Emma's teachers confided in me that they are going to give the money in a form on a gift card because they know this mom very well and might be afraid that it could go for other things - not drugs or alcohol, just that she has been known to make bad of a situation to get things. Ugh, did someone piss in my cheerios? I just hate that. Although I spoke to a good friend of mine, one of the moms in class with me, and we concluded that we know that they do not have money so either way the gifts would be received for the kids and well appreciated by them.
After dropping Emma off, I went to give Mr. Eliptical all that I had today. That equated to 20 minutes. I miss my little excersize partner. Mary, the forever student, has been working tirelessly on a statistics thing and it has taken her temproarily from me.
Madeline and I rushed home to put a roast in the crock pot and then it dawned on me that my friend, "Anutie B" (Emma's godmother), was going to be stopping by after school. I had to deal with the fact that she would be coming into my shitbox of a house. Cannot perform miracles.
I checked my messages during my meat preperation and found a message from Denise, the nurse for Dr Parry my neurologist. She had some test results that she wanted to share with me. I called her back and left a message telling her that it would be fine for her to call back and leave details on my answering machine.
We left to go and pick up Emma and race back home. In that short amount of time, Denise had called back with some great news. She left a message saying that the results of my MRI showed a very mild case of acute disease, no active lesions, no change since last MRI and she mentioned some other words that all equated to happy results. She told me that I should keep a follow up with Dr. Parry to decide on my course of action at this time. I told her that I was planning on it for the 23rd. (Now, I did not call anyone to pass along this "news" for no other reason besides I was busy today and we were enjoying some family time. I don't want to get a call wondering why I didn't call - you know who you people are.)
I have felt wonderful mentally and phycially. I am certain that taking in the FL sunshine for a few days had a lot to do with that. Also, I had made a lot of effort to ensure that the magic serum did not leak out through any spots in my brain during the MRI. Well, something worked. It has confirmed my feeling of normalcy. Awesome.
Auntie B showed up and so did Emma's evil twin. There is something suspicious about her arrival and the arrival of visitors at our house. For 3 hours, Emma peed on the carpet, spit, screemed, yelled, threw wet clean clothes on the floor, pulled her sister around by the hood on her shirt and screamed while I was on the phone with Denise confirming my Dr appointment for the 23rd - the list could go on. Needless to say, nap time was a wonderful gift. 
Daddy got home, we feasted on the wonderful roast, then bundled the kidsup and went to play outside. We had a great time besides the frozen fingertips, but we had to litterally drag the kids inside.
Enjoyed some cookies, some time playing doctor and now time to rest.
1 comment:
Hey Andrea - (creepy) Darcie here from Matt's blog - just now saw that you linked up and I visited your blog - am so very sorry to hear about your recent turn of health events! Sheesh!
I hope you are hanging in there and doing well -
Wanted you to know I am thinking of you - xoxo - darcie
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