Anxious to get pancakes with sprinkles, Emma and Madeline were waiting with coats, hats, mittens and scarfs on for about 15 minutes before their date arrived.
The girls were off and so was I, attempting to traverse my way to the gym.
Successfully made it with not a lot of oomph in me to work out, but I knew that my ass was counting on me to do my part. I made it for 25 minutes on my eliptical friend and that was about it. I used the excuse that there was a class going on right by the machines I was going to use as a way to get out of working on the rest.
I made it back home and spoke to Grandma Kim. We had plans to spend the day with the girls making cookies and enjoyng the holiday fun. But, Grandpa Don was puking and I figured that I should keep the girls a good distance away since the holidays are so near. Emma and Madz were really bummed out, but it was lessened when I said that Grandma was going to bring some stuff by. Emma was still wondering why Grandma and Grandpa weren't going to stay to help.
The girls and I picked up the house a bit, then embarked on this crazy ritual of making Christmas cookies. I love doing this stuff and so do the girls. However, I quickly come to realize that I am not equiped for such a large undertaking. I have only one cookie sheet and could not figure out how to get the damn cookie dough from stucking to the countertop - and, YES I did use some flour. It didn't work!
We made it threw and the end result was worth it. The girls and I called it a day and they layed down for a nap and I sat down to read.
Jay got home and we started to get ready for our evening out. Yes, a real evening with a real babysitter. It was not a "date" per say, because our reasoning for getting out was to get some shopping done. The weather was shitty, but we have so little time without the kids and just so little time in general to get stuff done that we had to take advantage.
Casey is our sitter. She is the daughter of my teacher at school. They are people that I trust implicitly. Great, great people. Casey is studying child psychology at the U of M and loves kids. Emma was thrilled because Casey is going to be on this year of American Idol (will keep you updated if you need to start calling in for her) and Em can't wait to see her.
Casey came and got a big hug from Emma, Jay and I were off. We hit Target and Toys R Us and had dinner at Maynards. Still a lot of shopping to do, but we are hoping to get some done on Monday when Jay has the day off.
We got home and found that the girls and Casey were in a marathon reading session and barely noticed that we were home. They had a GREAT time! We had to force Casey to take money for watching the kids. Actually, Jay went to start her car for her and left it in her seat. She has already emailed me to say that the next time she is doing it as a favor. That family it so awesome!
On to bed.
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