Yesterday evening we capped off a three day whirlwind of Christmas celebrations. It was terrific to know that besides a few people that live outside of Minnesota, Jay and I, and most importantly Emma and Madeline, were able to spend time with our whole family. It was a jam packed couple of days with a few downs and many ups, but we made it through and so happy that we did with smiles on our faces.

Jay had to work today (Friday - as he says, "That is life as a blue collar worker."). Emma was off to a lunch and a movie with Grandma Kim, Grandpa Don and Auntie. Madeline and I decided to stick close to home with just a quick stop at Target. That was about all that I dared to take on today.
Got back home in time to do more picking up of all of the waste from opened toys and unwrapped gifts. I finished unlooping, untwisting, untying all of the rediculous packaging that comes with childrens gifts. I am certain that I have "Toy-Unwrapping-itis" - small blisters that appear after untwisting over 1000 metal twist tyes from toys.
A girlfriend stopped by with her little one to go over some of the items that we are providing for the high school reunion that we are hosting this weekend. It also gave us a little girlie time to catch up on all of the happenings over our Christmas celebrations. We still managed to get our stuff done.
Emma got home just in time for naps. Jay also got home and we worked on purging some old things and integrating our awesome new items from the holidays into our home. I actually was able to get all of the garbage into one central location. Wasn't sure that would happen.
We ordered Thai food for dinner. My devine little crunchy cookie read "The value of true relationships is not of much work." Doesn't it always seem like they add one too many words necessary to get to their meaning? However, I like what they are getting at.
After dinner, Emma played with her new "computer". This kid has a wonderful love of learning. Perhaps it is the same level that comes programed with each child. But, it is an amazing site to see a small person just sucking in perviously unknown knowledge and then using it in conversation.
Rounded out the evening with baths, stories, a hot game of Chutes and Ladders and bedtime for all but me. I have a little relaxing by myself to get done.
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