Daddy came home and we dressed for our evening out at Grandma and Grandpas. And now I am finding something to wear. I am certain that I will not be writing any more this evening. Jay is on call tomorrow, but we are hoping that the unpredictable Minnesota weather will keep him home.
Wednesday, December 31, 2008
The last jig of 2008
Daddy came home and we dressed for our evening out at Grandma and Grandpas. And now I am finding something to wear. I am certain that I will not be writing any more this evening. Jay is on call tomorrow, but we are hoping that the unpredictable Minnesota weather will keep him home.
Tuesday, December 30, 2008
A day with Mary
I gave Super Mary a call around 9 and asked how her ass was feeling this morning. She said "big", so I suggested that we have a date with Mr. Eliptical. She agreed.
Met at the gym for an awesome workout session. Got almost the whole body done.
We parted ways and the girls and I headed to the grocery store to pick up a few items for dinner tonight since Super Mary and her beloved little boy was going to be joining us. We wanted to give them something to do because the Mr is out of town.
When we got home, there was a call from Mary saying that she locked her keys in her car at Starbucks and wondered if we could come and resuce her. I had to laugh since her brother-in-law is a police officer in the same town wouldn't answer her call. So off we went to grab keys and return Mary to her chariot.
Returned home for a late lunch and naps. Got the girls down late and took a phone call from the head nurse for my Dr. I had put a call in to her to see if I could sort out my drug confusion. Because after reading my last blog post I did not feel like much more had been accomplished.
Those specialty people are a wealth of knowledge. She reviewed a couple of things with me:
Copaxone: Good for young people who are in "fertile" years of their lives, has less of a risk of "flu like symptoms", does have the risk of lipoatrophy (the deal where the fat disappears), irritation at the injection site.
Rebif: Chances of serious side effects are very minimal, not much effect on the injection site, only 3x per week, a significant chance but not guaranteed chance of flu like symptoms
There were a couple of other topics that she covered. But, she made sure to know that this was a very important choice and if there are any other questions we should call her as often as we wanted.
During this phone call, Jay had come home, my sister stopped by and Emma "woke up" from her nap. I checked the clock and if she did sleep at all it would have been for 20 minutes. I am ok with the fact that she is growing out of naps. The adjustment part is nasty. She is a crazy woman. And, of course, she didn't disappoint.
Mary and Robby came over and the kids were crazy. The noise level could have rivaled the 1987 World Series. But, we ate, drank and had a ton of fun.
Our guests called it a night with a promise to meet at the club in the a.m. Jay and I got the kids in bed as quickly as possible and now I am off to enjoy a Kempswich. In theory I always wonder why my ass is so big, but I don't need to wait long for the answer.
Monday, December 29, 2008
So many decisions...
Saturday, December 27, 2008
play, play and more play
Friday, December 26, 2008
fortune cookie and blistered fingers
Wednesday, December 24, 2008
Merry Christmas!!
We had a terrific Christmas celebration with my dad's side of the family today. Almost all of the family. Just an all around wonderful time together!
I will talk more about life in a couple of days. And maybe, since this is kind of my journal - my personal diary per say - talk about the person that I am. Being we are about to embark on a new year and looking into the past year there are a lot of things that I will reflect upon.
So, for those of you who read for the love of Jay, the girls and I, we appreciate it and hope that you have a wonderful holiday!
Talk soon.
Tuesday, December 23, 2008
Sometimes I am speechless
Monday, December 22, 2008
Sunday, December 21, 2008
Your bedroom is your sanctuary
The girls got up and we headed out to Target and Byerlys. Grandpa Bob has specifically asked for ONE jar of pickled mushrooms. Love those kinds of requests. Grandpa finished in one fell swoop.
Saturday, December 20, 2008
cookies and babysitters
Anxious to get pancakes with sprinkles, Emma and Madeline were waiting with coats, hats, mittens and scarfs on for about 15 minutes before their date arrived.
The girls were off and so was I, attempting to traverse my way to the gym.
Successfully made it with not a lot of oomph in me to work out, but I knew that my ass was counting on me to do my part. I made it for 25 minutes on my eliptical friend and that was about it. I used the excuse that there was a class going on right by the machines I was going to use as a way to get out of working on the rest.
I made it back home and spoke to Grandma Kim. We had plans to spend the day with the girls making cookies and enjoyng the holiday fun. But, Grandpa Don was puking and I figured that I should keep the girls a good distance away since the holidays are so near. Emma and Madz were really bummed out, but it was lessened when I said that Grandma was going to bring some stuff by. Emma was still wondering why Grandma and Grandpa weren't going to stay to help.
The girls and I picked up the house a bit, then embarked on this crazy ritual of making Christmas cookies. I love doing this stuff and so do the girls. However, I quickly come to realize that I am not equiped for such a large undertaking. I have only one cookie sheet and could not figure out how to get the damn cookie dough from stucking to the countertop - and, YES I did use some flour. It didn't work!
We made it threw and the end result was worth it. The girls and I called it a day and they layed down for a nap and I sat down to read.
Jay got home and we started to get ready for our evening out. Yes, a real evening with a real babysitter. It was not a "date" per say, because our reasoning for getting out was to get some shopping done. The weather was shitty, but we have so little time without the kids and just so little time in general to get stuff done that we had to take advantage.
Casey is our sitter. She is the daughter of my teacher at school. They are people that I trust implicitly. Great, great people. Casey is studying child psychology at the U of M and loves kids. Emma was thrilled because Casey is going to be on this year of American Idol (will keep you updated if you need to start calling in for her) and Em can't wait to see her.
Casey came and got a big hug from Emma, Jay and I were off. We hit Target and Toys R Us and had dinner at Maynards. Still a lot of shopping to do, but we are hoping to get some done on Monday when Jay has the day off.
We got home and found that the girls and Casey were in a marathon reading session and barely noticed that we were home. They had a GREAT time! We had to force Casey to take money for watching the kids. Actually, Jay went to start her car for her and left it in her seat. She has already emailed me to say that the next time she is doing it as a favor. That family it so awesome!
On to bed.
Friday, December 19, 2008
more running
Thursday, December 18, 2008
Wednesday and Thurs
On Wednesday, Jane, Liz and I were trying to find something "different" to do for the kids. Liz thought up "Just Jump". It is a warehouse that is just filled with lots of blow up jumping things. The kids love it, it is realativly safe and a great place for the couped up kiddos to get out some gusto. The adults had fun too. Just love and appreciate having great friends.
That is one thing that I have been come more acutly aware of lately, is how great my friends are. I am very lucky!
After jumping our little hearts out, we made a stop that would crush all of the extra blood flow - McDonalds. Whomever came up with the idea of a play place at McD's is genious! We gathered up some more friends and played some more.
Home for naps and a bit of relaxation.
For dinner I was tryed my hand at making calzones. The first time was a flop, however I like to think of myself as being a bit smarter the second time around. Jay even said it turned out great and he rarely compliments my cooking.
Thurday brough school for Emma. The parents had "the day off". The teachers thought that it would be great for us to have some extra time to ourselves. I was a bit sad not to spend time with Emma at her school. In checking with some other moms and dads, I found that I was alone in that feeling.
Madeline and I left for the gym and thinking that we could get a bunch of stuff done. Well, we got some working out - full body - and a trip to the post office to mail the Chistmas cards that I was busy writing out until late last night.
Picked up Emma and off to a play grou pwith a great friend Heather. She is always so sweet to open up her house for us to come over and play with her babe. Got to see her growing tummy and catch pu on lots of stuff. All of the girls, Madz included, played and had fun.
Heading home to finish up the naps that the girls started on the way home and I sat and looked at my messy house until I realized that Hermie, our Christmas elf, was not about to come down from his perch and help me.
Jay came home and I was off to enjoy dinner - adult dinner with my friend Sandy. She took me to a place in Hopkins. Sandy loves to fully enjoy her meals. It was really wonderful with great conversation.
Came home to find Maddie safe and sound in bed and Emma just waiting for me to get home.
A great day!
Tuesday, December 16, 2008
a whole new woman
So, throwing the kids in the car at break neck pace and racing to school. Only to arrive 4 minutes late. Today is the day that we set up to bring in the money and items collected for the woman in class that doesn't have money to buy gifts. One of Emma's teachers confided in me that they are going to give the money in a form on a gift card because they know this mom very well and might be afraid that it could go for other things - not drugs or alcohol, just that she has been known to make bad of a situation to get things. Ugh, did someone piss in my cheerios? I just hate that. Although I spoke to a good friend of mine, one of the moms in class with me, and we concluded that we know that they do not have money so either way the gifts would be received for the kids and well appreciated by them.
After dropping Emma off, I went to give Mr. Eliptical all that I had today. That equated to 20 minutes. I miss my little excersize partner. Mary, the forever student, has been working tirelessly on a statistics thing and it has taken her temproarily from me.
Monday, December 15, 2008
cookies and more cookies
Today I had a lot of things I had hopes of doing. However, when I woke to see that it was -7 outside, I had reprioritize. Forcing the kiddos to go in and out of stores, taking hats and mittens off, only to do it again a few minutes later seems like torture for them and me.
I had to clean up after breakfast and the girls went down to the play room and spent a good 25 minutes playing so nicely with each other. I could hear them talking about stuff and doing some "shopping". We spent much of the rest of the morning playing and making pretend cookies in Emma's little kitchen.
Packed up the kids and dressed them in all of the winter gear except for snowpants and headed to the gym. My affair with the eliptical machine still continues. However, there are days when it is just so hard to complete more then 20 minutes. Today was one of those days. Took care of some flab on my ass and arms and headed to the grocery store.
After losing my shopping list, we spent a good amount of time roaming around in circles trying to recreate what items I was in need of.
Came home for lunch, vacuuming and napping. I elected, after being kicked off the compter many times, to spend nap time doing some reading.
This eveing the girls and I broke out the KitchenAid mixer. One of those items in the kitchen I do not use a lot. But, when it gets used I remember how really awesome it is! We
Then baths to scrub up a couple of messy little girls. Then to bed for sweet dreams.
The silence sounds so great!
Sunday, December 14, 2008
small weekend recap
Then on to Kindergarten screening. Jay had to remind himself how old his little Princess is. No, she doesn't start "real" school until fall 2010. But, they ask that kids get screened eraly to check for any problems before hand. She passed with flying colors. Emma knew the screener as she had been a previous ECFE teacher. But, she was asking her about memorizing, description and some other things that I wasn't sure that Emma would want to talk about. Kids can surprise you!
Home again for the usual stuff, including writing our Santa letters. Then to Grandma Kim and Grandpa Don's house to take photos for our Christmas cards. We will get them out sometime soon.
Saturday was filled with thoughts of grandure and so many things to get done. 99% of those things still are not even close to getting done. I made a solo trip to workout, then home to pack up and head to the mall. The girls were so excited to sit on Santa's lap. My anticipation of the lines being long were truly a huge under estimation of reality. The line to just get a pager was 45 minutes long. Then when you got a pager, your wait to see the jolly old elf was 4 -5 hours long. Since we were not going to spend the entire weekend camped out at the mall, we tool two dissappointed kids on to some more shopping with a promise to visit him again in a week when daddy has a Monday off of work. We got almost no shopping done. But, it is fun to be amongst all of the holiday cheer at the mall - no really!
During the winter, after the kids wake up from a nap I will let them watch an episode of some kids show. It usually ends up being Seasme Street. Madeline has adopted the expected childhood love of Elmo. On this particular episode they talked a great deal about "Irish Step Dancing". Much of the rest of the weekend was filled with tidbits of Emma's brief learning of this Irish dance in her Princess dress. Madeline was forced to learn some steps in a dress too.
Sunday was up to the house of God. We brought Madeline into the nursery - I was not real comfortable with it. Just the problem with trusting anyone to take care of my kids. But, I checked out Mrs. G very carefully. Seriously. - and Emma went to Sunday school. Jay and I got to enjoy a service. We were treated to our after church lunch of McDonalds. We were trying to pass time before we headed back to church to watch our eldest daughter make her debut in the chuch Christmas program. Needless to say, in between leaving church and a stop at Walgreens we unknowingly picked up Elvira - Emma's evil twin. In an attempt to put her Christmas dress on which included nice tights and patten leather shoes, I was pratically sitting on her and Jay was trying to reason with her. Why go you ask? Well, just don't ask. We made it there. Emma came to the stage sans the barrett in her hair and her tights. Anyway, the kids did a great job. It was so fun to watch. Emma didn't sing much, she just liked to look around. In the picture she is on the bottom row with the red and black plaid and white shirt. Toward the end of the program, the Irish step dancing made its return until the teacher asked Emma to step back into her place.
A nice weekend like a normal wonderful family. I have an appointment with my pillow that I cannot be late for. Off to fight the elements tomorrow.
Saturday, December 13, 2008
I will get caught up . . .
Right now I am just tired and need to hit the sack!
Thursday, December 11, 2008
Tis the season for giving
Wednesday, December 10, 2008
pictures of my brain
Tuesday, December 9, 2008
Back to reality
Saturday, December 6, 2008
Things I forgot
I do miss them terribly and we many times throughout the day talk about the fun things that they do or say. But, it is nice to experience this time without kids. I rarely get away - although lately this MS crap has allowed an hour here or there to be without them for a Dr appointment or two.
We have been gone for about 1 1/2 days and I am finally getting the feeling of relaxation. However, any child in a restaurant, on the street or on the beach catches my attention.
I am so thankful that they are in such good hands so there is no worry, just missing them.
Jay and I enjoyed several hours walking along the beach today. It was great! A certain reminder of the question "what the hell are we doing in MN?" I really do hate it there. The warmth, the water . . .
We will be back to real life soon. Until then, we will miss the kids and try to do a little more relaxing.
Thursday, December 4, 2008
Yes My friends we are Fing outta here. No kids, their at g&g Kim and Don's house. HAHAHAHA suckers!!! I have to say you may not here from us till Monday, not that we don't love ya'll but we just may not want to deal with ya'll when were in Florida. Hope everyone has a great weekend I know I will even if I hit a 100 or better I'll still be on the golf course in December. HAHAHA. sorry.
Check ya later,
Life without kids
We just dropped them off at Grandma Kim and Grandpa Don's house for an "exciting weekend filled with lots of fun stuff". I have no doubt that it will be anything less then that, but there is the sudden thought that I have not known life for the past 3 1/2 years without a kid hanging on me.
Tomorrow Jay and I are flying to Florida to visit Grandpa Jim and Grandma Cheryl for a long weekend. It will be great to get into the sunshine and warmer weather. I told Jay that there is something ironic about having to go to the warmer weather since there is so much research going on about the lack of Vitamin D and MS. Those of you who know me well know that I am a sun lover to the highest degree. Almost no temperature is hot enough. However, I have never been to India in the middle of summer. This weekend will be good for me. I am not sure if I know how to be by "myself" and just relax. Relax? What is that.
Throughout the day I have had some thoughts to ponder and figured that I would just put them out there.
1.)Do makers of kids toys create them to all run out of battery power at the same time? I have a stack of "dead toys" on my counter that all need AA batteries. What the hell is with Energizer and Fisher Price?
2.) Why is it that when you start working out and feeling good about the progress you have made that no clothes seem to fit better then they once did? Don't get me wrong. My resason for working out kind of came with the finding of my MS and a need to make sure that I was taking care of myself. At 33, I am so over the worry of having a great body or one that has to be a certain size. Being set with this disease, you find that there are bigger things in life to worry about then the size of your pants. That being said, with all of the intimate time that I have been spending with Mr. Eliptical, I would think that my ass would fit a little more freely in the shorts that were worn only a couple of short months ago. Unfortunatly, they almost seem to fit more snugly.
That is about it for the day. The camera is packed and huh, funny, out of batteries so I do not have any pictures to show you. Sorry. A nice day with the girls, but since my brain was running at 2X the normal speed with getting everything ready I think everyone was on the edge.
Leaving the girls at G & G house was a bit sad. Emma was just so excited at all of the fun that I promised her - sorry mom, pressures on! And Maddie thought that her little life was ending when her whole world walked out the door. I hope that she can sleep well and have some fun. For everyones sake.
Ok, well, I need to pack, clean the house, find something to eat and go tp bed before I get up at 4am.
Sunshine here I come. . . . There has to be a way to get Blue Cross/Blue Sheild to pay for this, right??
Wednesday, December 3, 2008
Tuesday, December 2, 2008
A pocket full of poseys
Anyway, I think I need to go an relax.