Saturday, February 21, 2009

A weekend that Jay has to work. It is never the same to have a weekend with daddy away!! The girls and I packed up and went to the mall. I needed to try to find some attire to wear for some photos that we hope to have taken down south on the beach next week - if I can ever get any of the photographers to call me back!

Anyway, I found success for me at Old Navy, of course. They should pay me royalties for each mention of their name. I also found Jay a shirt that could work, but I struck out on finding something for the girls in every store that I went to. And we went to A LOT of stores! But, the girls and I had a nice time and everyone was on their best behavior.

Came home for some playtime. Was able to get the girls to do som playing on their own down in the playroom for a while so I coud do some "noisy" projects before nap time (i.e. empty the dishwasher). During naptime I made it my mission to try and find dresses that the girls ould wear for the photos. I don't know how many websites I went to because I lost track. But, still could not find anything that would work. It shouldn't be that difficult. But, for photos to be taken on the beach, the attire needs to be solid colors and pretty basic. However, I would also like it to look a little "summer-y". . . . Sometimes it is harder when you set yourself up for something so specific.

Jay got home and we all just hung out for the rest of the evening. Jay spent the majority of the night on the computer and the girls and I played dolls with the girls.

And, Emma couldn't handle the excitement of the evening anymore.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

"SWEET" Dreams
Love,G'ma K.