Up at 6:30, out the door and EARLY to school! Some of the parents in the class give me a hard time when I am early. Joking that they think that something must be going on with me.
The parents took part in another sexuality conversation centered around 3 -4 year olds (pretty much the same conversation as we had in Maddie's class a week or so ago, just more relevant to the age). Lots of great reminders about how to ensure that your kids grow up with a healthy self image and a healthy view of their body and all of the workings.
When we let I needed to make a couple of stops. Emma was protesting, but when I told her one of the things that I wanted to do was to get her some new sunglasses at Target, she was game.
Home for lunch and play time. We chose not to join some friends for a playdate because of the strong snow headed our way. I am glad that we didn't because by nap time there were several inches on the ground.
Took a while chatting with a friend of mine on the phone about marriage and the amazing situations that come about sometimes. Unfortunately, one of our close friends is going through a very trying time in her life and possibly the end of her forever. It has opened up a lot of doors and discussions amongst friends about things that we wouldn't have even thought about before.
The girls got up and Jay got home. He went to tend to the several inches of snow outside and I started to get dinner ready. Emma fell asleep again on the couch while watching Sesame Street with Madzie.
We did some playing and Emma played a small amount of video games with Jay (actually he didn't do anything. We just let her think she was playing).
Then came time for the shot. The BIG shot! Actually I don't believe that it is any more actual fluid then the previous shot. Thins one gave me a sting and kind of hurt, but when all was said and done, there was not difference. Perhaps the pain was from hitting a nerve or blood vessel under the skin. Who knows. But, as of right now, about hours after the shot, I feel fine. Tired, but fine. So far so good . . . . Jay and I briefly discussed the need for him to stay at the same job forever (not that he is thinking of leaving his job - he loves it there) because of the health insurance. He is under the impression that we wouldn't get insurance anywhere. Kind of annoyed me because it leaves me to be the burden.
Noting on the docket for tomorrow. I might attempt another cleaning of the house. I tried today and the girls were right behind me messing up as much or more then I had just gotten done cleaning. But, with the icky weather perhaps we can get some other stuff done inside.
I know three girls who will be running around outside like crazy in a few days. Gosh, I need that!
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