Here is the day:
The girls and I got to school with Emma kicking and screaming. (She is just a kid, so her issues were not included in my prior ranting.) Something pissed her off royaly in the car on the way. I believe her words were, "this hat is not listening to me!" That lead to her throwing off her hat. Apparently her mittens were not listening either because they also went flying. All downhill for her from there. I asked her to put on those lovely cold weather items otherwise she would be cold outside. She didn't want to and wanted no help. She quickly changed her mind when we got outside and froze our asses off in a matter of seconds.
She screamed all the way into school and in the entry outside her classroom where she said she wanted to go home. I told her that she was at school and going home was not an option. After a hug and some proding from her teachers - they are really awesome - she was able to join the class.
Madeline and I left for the club, where I worked out for a bit with Super Mary. Oh, it is so nice to have a workout partner. Chatted over a coffee, then departed and went to go pick up Emma.
We were on our way to the grocery store and Emma was telling Madz and I all about her day, when all of a sudden Madeline let out a blood curtling scream. I took a quick glance backward and in a matter of seconds was able to surmise that the headband that Maddie was playing with had somehow smacked her in the left eye. She was screaming. I pulled off the highway on the closest side road. Jumped back and surveyed the situation.
No blood, good. Eyeball still inside the socket, good. Madeline not able to open her eye and look at me, not good. Still screaming, I held her and tried to consol her. After a couple of minutes when she was still not able to open her eye, I called the pediatricians office to see if I could come in.
Now, here is where my irritation with customer service begins. As I am driving toward the Dr office, I gave the nurse a quick synopsis of the situation. She asked for my name and other info. She then said, "you will have to call the business office." I said something to the effect of "to make an appointment?"
Nurse, "no, you have a hold on your account."
Me, "Do I have some money past due? Can I give you a card right, now?"
Nurse, "No, you need to call the business office."
Me, "Ok, but is that the quickest way to get in to see you guys?"
Nurse, "well, once you get that taken care of with the business office we can maybe get you in this afternoon sometime."
Let me pause for a moment to say something. First, because we haven't been to the Dr since this summer and I do not recall an outstanding bill for them this was news to me. Secondly, the review of this conversation is virtually word for word as to what was said because it pissed me off so badly.
Me, "What would be the quickest way to get this taken care of. I am concerned about my kids eye and her sight. Should I call the Business Office or should I go to the emergency room?"
Nurse, "That is your decision."
At that point, I wanted to tell the nurse to fuck off, but I did not. She was so short and rude with no concern or compassion for the issue at hand. She did not offer to transfer me to the business office to take care of this, didn't offer their phone number, nothing. I was amazed.
My brain was spinning, and with the lesions up there, not much extra room for all of this spinning (a little MS humor there). Called Jay who said that the closest Urgent Care was in Chaska.
I made an immediate U-turn and after about 15 minutes, talking to some people at the place Jay sent me and Madeline still not able to open her eye, I was off to a real Urgent Care facility. The place Jay sent me USED to be an urgent care. Went back to almost the place I started to the urgent care there.
Got in to see them right away and found out Madeline had a pretty big "abrasion" on her cornea. He said she should be fine with a little rest, some drops in her eyes for the next week and covering her eyes in the sun. Thank goodness, I can handle all of that.
Home for lunch and naps.
Jay got home and we bundled up for Emma's gymnastics. Another reason that the weather has taken its toll on me is because the kids typically fight me to put on a hat, fight me to put on a scarf. Since we got new mittens this past weekend, they are ok to wear those, but I am sure that those will lose their excitement soon too.
Emma did so, so awesome at gymnastics. She listened to EVERYTHING, and I mean everything the coach wanted her to do. She really tried hard and got special recognition at the end of class for being so great. Jay and I were just in awe of watching her. One of those times that you watch her and realize how big she is getting. She is a big girl now!
Home for a late dinner and American Idol. Our Casey was not shown signing tonight which Emma was truly pissed about. But, we assured her that she should be tomorrow.
Ooofadah, I need to get to bed. Sleep off my feistys.
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