However, you will all have to wait with baited breath for that information as I cannot find a way to get it posted. Anyhoo, it is too late to begin this disgreement with my computer.
Madeline was still shooting junk from all of her mucus-y areas. But, because life for us is constantly busy we didnt' do much slowing down. We started out by taking Em to school. Madz and I ran some errands.
Back to pick up our Emma and accompanied our friends plus two other boys to McD's. A friend of mine has three boys. The twins are the same age as Emma. But, their mom and dad are going out of town and asked that my friend and I watch the boys for them. We of course said yes, since we certainly understand how hard it is to find trusting people to watch your kids for you. I will fill you in on our full day with the boys tomorrow.
So to pass some time for my friend who was assigned the boys today, we did a McD's stop. It was crazy, but fun. Actually, the older kids - there were 4 kiddos in the 3 1/2 year old range - were the best. It was the two little ones - age 1 1/2 years each - that were the difficult kiddos to control. But we go through it!
Home for some designing of valentines and naps. Madeline was restless, but got a little more napping in then yesterday.
Daddy got home and it was time to get ready for gymnastics. Madz was a little on edge. So after a while, Jay took her on a ride in the car. When Emma got done, we went out to find Maddie sleeping in the car.
We dropped Madeline and Jay off at home while Emma and I went to celebrate one of her Great Grandma's birthay with her and the family. Emma had so much fun running around and having the spotlight to herself.
Must get some sleep, the house is a tragic mess and I will have the two boys here all day tomorrow. I have to prepare for what we will be doing for the day. Got to find a way for the kids to have fun without destroying the house or each other!
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