Placed a call to my workout partner, and decided that it had been far too long since we hve been able to visit Mr. Eliptical together. So the girls and I got our butts in gear and were out the door.
The girls happily entered the kids room and I went out with my workout/gab partner for a little body movement. The time on the machines is so much more enoyable and fast when you have someone to talk to.
Afterward, we went our seperate ways. We made a stop at the library. Now, I have decided that as challenging as a 3 1/2 year old can be you can, to some degree, negotiat or disus something with them. With a 21 month old kid, it is meerly giving direction and hoping that all of the books in the adult fiction section with author name starting with "P" don't come flying off the shelf. We made it through - barely. But, left with books for me, Jay and the girls. Emma also had to have a "mommy" book. So she picked out a trashy love novel from about 1950. She just likes to carry it around. Thankfully it doesn't sport Fabio on the cover or anything!
Home for lunch and naps.
Oh, both of the girls slept so well for their naps! That was such a nice relief. I was exhausted.
Tomorrow is the big day! I jump to the full dose of the Rebif! I spoke with a nurse today from MS Lifelines. She was jsut checking in to see how well things were going so far. I told her that all was well, but I was a bit nervious about the side effects coming out when I start the full dose. She said that it is possible. There are many people who that happens to. Her suggestion is to make sure that I stay hydrated - that is not something that I do very well - and to remember to pre-medicate (Tylenol) before the shot . . . .
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