After talking with her and putzing around doing a little cleaning, I looked at the clock and realized that it was 10:50! Madeline's class starts at 11:00. None of us were dressed. Ughhhh. I asked Emma to go downstairs and get herself dressed - which she actually did and I threw some clothes on to Madz and me. Out the door we went.
An insightful day today at the parents class. We had speaker in from a local teen clinic. She is a counselor there. We talked about teaching the young ones sexuality and being comfortable with themselves, etc. She was very open to peoples differences. But stressed the importance of teaching them, even at this age how to be happy with who they are and their own body. Jay and I try very hard to teach that, and she confirmed a lot of what we are already doing with the girls. Got another report of how funny Maddie was in the class when the parents were gone.
After school we ran some errands and got lunch. Home for naps. I took advantage of some alone time to get caught up on the housework. It was so neglected during my sickness, that it was out of control. I think we are almost back to normal!
Jay got home, we chatted for a while, hung out Madeline since she will not leave my side for a moments time lately then started dinner.
After dinner, Jay and the girls had a little Dance Party circa 1987 or so. I got out my camera and so did Emma.
We did a little more cleaning up and some vaccuuming, read Madz some stories and put her to bed. Hoping that the little bean will be able to get some sleep through the little cough that she has.
Jay, Em and I played some games, read books and put her to bed. Jay is playing a little Wii and I am just here typing. I am looking at the clock that reads 10pm and thinking that I might get to sleep before midnight?!?
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