With a quick drop of my eldest, little Maddie and I were off. We were told about a cosmetics giveaway that was happening today. So we
When we got to Macy's, we found 1000+ of our closest friends waiting for their free items as well. I looked at the line and watched as a group of women were leaving while mumbling about the 2 hour wait ahead. Well, my watch said that I had 2 hours before we picked up Emma so I thought that Madz and I would stick it out for a while and as long as she would cooperate with me.
The line moved very fast and we only ended up waiting for about 35 minutes. We took our free perfume and went to spend actual money - well, a gift certificate - on other needed items and left.
Hurried back to Emma's school a bit early because Madeline was telling me that she needed to go "potty". I forgot how much work it is to potty train. We are in no way pressuring her, this is all on her own. But, now that she can do it and wants to go potty for "money" (M&M's) we need to stop everything when nature sends it's call and that is very often and in any/every store.
People have asked how we are able to get our kids potty trained so early. This is what I tell them, I am not sure that we do anything in particular. We have never pressured the gals because it doesn't bother me to change diapers. We are not very modest around our house. Being naked is part of nature and we need to be secure with our bodies as well as teaching the girls to be as well. Another reason why we NEVER talk about being fat or really any descriptives about our bodies (thankfully we are comfortable with ourselves like we are) except how beautiful they are. And it is necessary to use the proper words for body parts - yes, we openly say "vagina" "penis" "breasts". Why wouldn't we? That is what they are called, right? And generally the bathroom door is left open not as a rule, but just because we are fine with it and it obviously helped the girls to be as well.
We came home, made lunch and played. I attempted to clean up the house a bit. We read stories and then nap time. Upon arrival at home, there was a FedEx package. We don't get those often. So when I see them, I get excited that there may be some fun thing in there for the kids, something unexpected for me?!? Well, yes, in a way, that was the case. I got a "Welcome" kit from Pfizer for the Rebif, along with a travel case and auto injector for the shots. Not quite what I was looking for from FedEx. I called the pharmacy people. Theysaid that they are able to ship out my drugs anytime, I just need to pay them money. We will have to put some money on the
Emma woke up 45 minutes after she went to bed. I gently suggested that she lay down and relax for a while more. Ugh, after the moments last night, a little extra shut eye will do my little beauty good.
I went onto the MS webiste and looked into the Walk to raise money. I will be signing up and forming a team. But, I will give out the details when there are some. The only thing that is known is that it is May 3.
Jay got home and the girls woke up. A while later it was time to get ready for gymnastics. This was Emma's last class in this session. The club gets a BIG jumping thing for the last day. So after some tumbling and such the kids were off to play. I stayed in the preschool gym to let Madeline play on the things. She LOVED it. I can't wait to sign them both up for the next session.
Came home for a late dinner, some playing, then off to bed for the littlest baby. She actually went to bed at the right time - 8:30. She can always stay up later, but that allows us time to get Emma to bed by 9:00 and us time to spend together. It usually doesn't happen that way, but it is the effort that counts.
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