Yesterday was the start of the weekend for some. But, unfortunatly, Jay had to work this weekend so it means that neither of us was set for "time off".
There are a lot of running around things that I need to get done, but I opted for the plan that would be most fun for the kiddos. The girls and I packed up and headed to EP Mall to use my Old Navy gift card from Christmas.
For some reason, when I am shopping for the girls, I feel like a kid in the candy store. Probably because girl clothes are so cute - I am finding that most boys clothes have something left to be desired - they always look great on them and they are much more affordable then big people attire.
Emma loves to pick out clothes and Madz just loves to do whatever we do. So we were throwing clothes on the cart left and right. Before we knew it, the pile was bigger then we could carry around. We stopped into the fitting rooms and borrowed a bench and whittled down our purchases to a reasonable amount.
I have been loving the pair of jeans that I got on my last trip to Old Navy. Although I must remind myself not to wear any thongs or other unmentionables so that I am not mistaken for one of those gals 1/2 my age with their undies hanging out for all to admire.
But, one working pair of jeans does not suffice and decided that I need another pair. Keeping with my personal rules when buying jeans, I went right to the jeans department, asked the attendant what style and size they were. She violated me by digging in my drawers. However, I was thrilled when she put the exact jeans right in my hands that I had on and I didn't even have to try the damn things on.
We left Old Navy with some new, well needed duds. On to lunch. We grabbed a sandwich and the girls were great. Jay made it home in enough time to beautify himself before our company arrived.
B & J arrived for a wonderful evening of delivered pizza and conversation. There were several conversations that we had throughout the evening that I am certain that we could not ever have with anyone else. "Auntie" B and "Uncle" J love time with the kids, even though Emma changes into - not Elvira - just a high maintance, high octane version of herself. They brought some great Christmas gifts for the girls. That was so, so nice. Emma got a whole set of finger paints and accessories and Madeline got a cool new book. They left late and we all got to bed late, but it was a great time had by all.
This morning, Jay was on call for work. The sun was shining, but it was cold. A day that holds lots of uncertainty for the car wash professionals. We took our chances and dressed for church. Emma just loves preschool and we love the service, so it was hard to pass it up.
Came home and watched Wall*E which was rented at McDonalds - who would have thought. Soon enough it was nap time and of course, Jay would get his first and only call of the day. The girls went down and Jay was gone. Emma was making up for her late bedtime last night with an almost 4 hour nap today - she probably would have surpassed 4 hours if I didn't go in and wake her up.
After dinner, Emma wanted to try out her new finger paints. So we set the girls up and they feverishly painted away. I ran upstairs to load photos onto the computer. The download said that it took 3 minutes. That would be 3 minutes of unsupervised time in a childs eyes. What happened is documented below. It is best described in photos:
A quick spit bath in the sink:
The before photo:
Thank goodness it was bath night. I gave the girls a real, bathtub bath, put on jammies, lotion, brushed teeth and since the mess had not disappeared while the girls were in the tub, I got to work. Here is a before and after photo. Although I have always liked a childs touch on a house to really make it a home and we definatly need some sort of style . . . Not sure this is what I had in mind.
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