So, this morning I was determined to get out the door and get Em to school on time.
I woke up at the usual time, but instead of reading to the kids for an hour, we read for about 25 minutes. Then I scooped them up for a quickie breakfast of Cheerios and strawberries.
By this time I, had not looked at the clock once. Got Emma downstairs nd went through the arguous task of finding the right outfit for the day and hung up some clothes. I still was assumming that I was about 30 minutes or so ahead of my usual schedule.
Went upstairs to get little peanut dressed. She doesn't have as much to input as the older one does when it comes to clothing. So we got done with that fairly easily.
I figured that I should start getting ready and I was already fantasicing about my arrival on time or even early to class. However, my fantasy was dashed when I looked at the clock to see 9:01 staring me in the face. School starts at 9:15 and at this point I was still in my pajamas! Ugh.
I took an ultra quick shower - it was really just an excuse to wash my face and brush my teeth. Hopped out and into clothes and we were out the door by 9:17. Well, only 12 minutes late for the start of class.
Kind of a heavy mommy class today as one of the women in class confided that her daughter was sexually assulted by her Godfather this summer. The thought makes a shudder go down the spine of any parent.
Emma and I enjoyed a spanish lesson befor school was over - I had signed her up for another spanish class because she loves it so much. But, I received a call that the class was canceled because Emma was the only one that signed up. Bummer. We swung in to pick Madz up from her sibling class. The teachers were recounting how much fun she is and how she is VERY skilled at climbing and getting around. That was not news to me! I have always said that she is a little boy in a girls body.
Our friends invited us to McD's for lunch and to catch up after holiday break. As usual a great time! Home for naps and relaxation.
Jay got home and after a quick kiss and a hello to an already awake Maddie he was stuck to the laptop computer for the reainder of the evening. We just got it back yesterday from a total overhaul and now all of the settings need to be put back on.
Ate dinner and tried to plow through Emma's new attitude of a 13 year old. I am sure that I have mentioned this before that anyone who has said that 2 year olds are terrible have never had a 3 1/2 year old. Even those parents who you would expect would never be ones to talk about some of the challenges of parenthood will certainly agree that this is by far the most challenging stage.
Madeline is putting together scentances and words very well. I told her to
Bath time and books. Emma and I spent some time looking through and reading about animals of the Antartic and comparing their location with her new globe. It was so fun and amazing to see her talk about things that I haven't "taught her". She pointed out the Indian Ocean and when I spoke about Asia, she asked if that was where China is. . . I guess that I am going to have to brush up on all of my basic gradeschool knowledge.
Tomorrow will be preparation for the Chinese New Year Schmorgasboard that we will be celebrating with our awesome friends!
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