Actually, at 1pm tomorrow Jay and I will be back
up at the U for an appintment with the MS nurse for a full tutorial of how to do my injections properly. I should clarify the above. I will be beginning my life as a subcutanious, interfeuron beta-1A drug user. At the end of the appointment I will officially be injected with the drug.
Jay is going to or has to take the day off. Of course I want him to come with me, but because of his job taking part of a day off is practically impossible. So, he will be taking the whole day off. But, it really works out well because Emma has school and Jay will be able to come. Something he wouldn't otherwise really be able to do. Emma is so excited.
Those of you who know me well will understand this. With the thought of some different possible side effects looming, I have made a promise to myself and a secret promise to the girls. Because the "flu like symptoms" doesn't include the puking part, just the fever, chills, body aches stuff I have made a committment to not let this effect my life style. Of course I am hoping that this will not even be an issue. But, I have things to do and something like this will not hold me down. I also told Jay that I hope that these drugs don't make me awful to live with, and of course with a smirk on his face he said "not any more impossible to live with then you are now." I think he followed that up with a hug.
Today I had an MS talk with Emma. I did the best that I can do with a 3 1/2 year old. The best parts of talking about these things with a kid that age is that they don't have any point of reference to come back to. They aren't going to be one of the people who immediatly says "oh, I know someone who is in a wheelchair" or "oh, that is awful". She just said "ok".
I have one of my favorite friends watching the girls tomorrow. I knew that the minute I told her that I needed her help she said yes even before she knew what day or time. I am so very lucky! And my little baby bear, Madeline, starts her gymnastics tomorrow night. I will not be missing that.
I tried to take a picture of my drugs, but I am a pretty crappy photographer and so it didn't turn out. I need my online friend, Matt, to take a photo. He could take a picture of an ice cube in a snowstorm and make it look nice.
I told Jay tonight at dinner that I have a feeling that something good will happen soon. Jay was hoping that we will win the lottery. That would be awesome, but I would be happy for just some great days, years and decades ahead.
1 comment:
And ther WILL be plenty of good or should I say "GREAT" days.....
Love you, M.
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