Monday, January 19, 2009

Some catching up

I need to play catch up a bit. I am going all the way back to Saturday.

We were running like little maniacs trying to get all of the items ready for the baby shower that evening. There were so many stores that we stopped at, it would almost be easier to tell you which ones did not get our money.

After naps, I dropped the kids off for a fun filled evening with Grandma Kim and Grandpa Don. Jay and I finished prepping before the guests arrived.

The evening was filled with tons of laughs, good drinks and great food. I laughed myself horse a few times and certain that there was a snort or two in there as well. A nice evening to celebrate the birth of a lucky baby to a wonderful couple.

Sunday morning, because the kids were at Grandma and Grandpa's, I slept in until 8:15!! I couldn't believe the clock when I looked at it! We got up and got dressed, swung over to pick up the kiddies and were off to church.

Because the report from Grandma that the girls, in particular Madeline, did not sleep well last night things started to fall apart after church and a movie. Everyone layed down for a nice nap. Boy, that felt good!!

Jay got up to do our taxes. We are lucky to be getting a little of money back, but not much. Let me rephrase that, the people that we owe money to are lucky that we are getting money back. Without so many medical bills we could almost put money toward something that we need or even want. . . Although I think we are going to have to try to make it work for some new windows and perhaps a new fridge. We get snow blowing in several windows (lovely, huh?) and the seal on the fridge is not good and can be opened by the dogs. Ahh, the beauty of buying a house built in the mid-80's. Never do it!! The rest of the evening was filled with much of the same. Spending time playing together and enjoying our time.

This morning we were invited to a playdate because classes were cancelled to observe Martin Luther King Jr. Unfortunatly, I have to admit, I did not do much observing. However, I did do a little silent reflecting in the car about where we are and were things have started. All of this on the cusp of a new President that has broken through lots of barriers.

We made a very quick stop at the gym then off to our friends houses. It was great to have the gang back together again! We caught up on life, talked discipline, naughty tricks the kids were up to and how to handle different situations. The kids have a great time and getting together with these gals is really awesome. We have a rapport that cannot be duplicated. Always a great reminder of how getting involved with the community and your kids education/learning at an early age can benefit everyone.

I took a couple of tuckered out girls home and we played dress up and pet store for a while. Then after a small tantrum by Emma (see photo), the girls went down for a nap. I sat down to fashion a letter of sorts. Mom stopped by with a surprise - my perfume!! She found my favorite. His purpleness would be so proud!

After only an hour, Emma was up. Seeing toys strewn all over her bed, I knew that she did not get a lot of sleep if any. So I asked her to play quietly for a while. Madz got up a little while later and the crazies started to come out!!

Emma quietly slipped away, while Elvira made a dramatic entrance. Elvira started taking advantage of a little sister who only wanted to play and a mommy and daddy who wanted to teach her some manners. She got out of control and drove us crazy - as only a 3 1/2 year old can! Bath time was hectic and was more work then it should have been. I am pretty sure that Jay and I have never had to be that firm simultaniously. We could have turned the heat off and just warmed up with the hot air being strewn out of our mouths.

Jammies and bedtime! Although I have to say, when all things calm down and we are quietly reading books, cuddling and talking about the day, all of the icky stuff goes out the window - probably in the sam place as the snow comes in. We have the sweetest little girls around. And, as we tell Emma "No matter if mommy and daddy are mad or sad or happy or glad we always, always love you"!

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