Monday, October 27, 2008


Today has started like most do in our house. Andrea wakes up in the anticipation of kids and chaos. I wake up needing at least 4 more hours of sleep. Off to work I go. Knowing Andrea isn't feeling well, with spinal headaches I worry as I hit morning traffic. I get to my first job at about 8am, still half thinking about Andrea and half thinking about the task at hand. Knowing that I need to keep working and stay focused, I dive right in. At 9:30 Andrea calls and tells me her neurologist told her to get to the hospital for a blood patch(a pocket of blood injected in her back to stop spinal fluid from leaking internally). Naturally she is more concerned about the kids and my work to stop and think about her health. So we enlist the help of "Super Mary"(I swear to god the women actually has a big S on her chest) without question "Super Mary" says drop the kids here. I rush home to get Andrea and off to Methodist we go, again. I think I could drive there in my sleep. Into the surgery dept. we go for the blood patch. She says it went well, they wouldn't let me in the room. I know the White Castle on the way home really helped. Now my only trouble is how do I keep such an active mother of two laying down and relaxing for 24 hours. Got Andrea in bed, picked the kids up from "Super Marys" house and got them down for a nap. Now I don't know what to do with myself, I feel like I should be at work or doing something productive.

TATA for now,


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

There is going to be no such thing as a "normal" day anymore..but hope against hope that Andrea is feeling better very soon! Hugs to all.